Part 15 - Hurt You

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"Where are you going?" you shout in order for Tony to hear you as he leaves quickly.

"Stay here, I'll be back soon" he shouts back at you and finally exits the house.

He doesn't sound sane at all. Everything that he just found out was too much so he's definitely up to no good. Your worries are confirmed once you hear the rush of his car starting and him driving away.

"Sh*t" you say out loud, realising that the only reason that he wouldn't be by your side right now is to go find Ethan.

You take quick steps to get out of your pyjamas and get dressed to go out instead. Last thing you want is to go back to Lewis Industries and face Ethan again, but knowing Tony you know he's reckless and dangerous right now.

Forgive me he said. He even warned you about what's on his mind.

"You can do it" you say to yourself as you find the courage to step out of your bedroom.

You have to repeat it when you prepare to get out of the house itself but it's not like you have an option. With the way that Tony's driving, he definitely has a huge head start. You can't catch up to him but hopefully you can stop him before he does anything stupid.

Your hands are sweating the closer you get to your ex workplace, your heart is beating faster and your breathing is getting deeper. The final sign of your anxiety kicking in is the way your hands shake when you park your car outside the huge building that you used to work at.

"Dam*it" you curse once you spot Tony's car also parked at a random spot.

You fight all your emotions that are keeping you back and you confidently walk inside. Not many people are on the ground floor, which is concerning, because there's always a ton of employees at this hour.

Unfortunately, you can't say the same about the floor that the head offices are. Just when the doors of the elevator open, you notice an unusual amount of people in the hallway and you hear so much noise.

"SHE TRUSTED YOU" you hear him yell further down the hall.

"OUT OF ALL PEOPLE, SHE CHOSE YOU" you hear him again.

"Oh my God!" you scream when you lay eyes on him.

He's definitely out of his mind, hate and anger have taken over him and you don't know what to do. He's taking out all his feelings on Ethan. Tony is hitting him with punches and pushing him against every wall around them. Ethan is unable to react and defend himself, he wasn't expecting something like that.

"Tony!" you yell his name and push people away while trying to get closer to them.

"How could you do that, you piece of sh*t?" he hisses at Ethan with anger and aggressively manages to throw him on the floor.

Everyone gasps, this isn't an everyday thing. Especially at workplaces like this one, there's not much fighting around. Some people try to pull Tony away from Ethan but it's always unsuccessful. He's so overwhelmed with emotions right now that no man can stop him from hitting Ethan repeatedly.

"Tony, please" you cry, only meters away from them.

He doesn't listen to you, his only goal is to punch Ethan again and again. Each punch sounds worse. Ethan is bleeding underneath Tony's body on the floor, he even looks unconscious. Tony's holding him by his collar with both of his hands and he's pulling him up only to slam him back down on the floor with force.

"Stop it, you're going to kill him!" you shout and finally manage to place your hands on his shoulders to pull him back and stop him.

His reaction is to turn around immediately and try to push you away, just like all the other people that tried to stop him in the meantime. But when he realises that it's actually you that's trying to stop him, his eyes look like they got their senses back. He breathes in and out a few times, looking directly into your crying eyes, and takes his hands off Ethan to wrap them around you for comfort.

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