Part 10 - Truth Hurts

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Ever since the night that you went to the party and eventually got drunk, Ethan has been acting different. He knows that something happened between you and Tony and he's annoyed that you don't admit it. But what can you do? You can't tell him that seeing Tony with another woman hurt you and that you're still not over him. That will only cause more trouble between you.

"You're staying for the party afterwards, right?" Anne asks you as she appears on your office door.

"Of course" you smile.

"Is Ethan staying, too?" she adds.

"I'm not sure, I haven't talked about it with him at all" you answer.

"Should I go ask him or will you do it?" she asks.

"I'll do it, I haven't even seen him much today" you tell her.

"Okay, let me know" she says and you nod.

The company closed a big deal and for a reward you're throwing an after work party. You all worked hard on it for months and this party is something that everyone deserves. As soon as you have some time, you leave your office and go over to Ethan's. The door is closed but he gives you permission to enter when you knock on it.

"Hey" you say nicely.

"Hi" he doesn't sound excited at all.

In fact, he doesn't even look at you for more than half a second before turning his eyes back to work. You don't get disappointed though and walk over to his chair, standing right behind his body.

"The party is still happening later, will you stay?" you ask him.

"I don't think so, I'm very tired" he shakes his head.

"Not even for a little bit? It'll be fun" you rest your hands on his shoulders.

"Sorry" he doesn't change his mind.

"Will you at least look at me at all?" you show him your annoyance.

He sighs, lets go of the papers he was holding and finally looks at you. You can tell his look is still the same pissed look he's had all these days and he's not even trying to hide it.

"Are you not joining us because you're still mad at me?" you ask.

"I'm not mad at you" he replies.

"Yes, you are" you tilt your head, knowing very well that he's lying.

"I am just patiently waiting for you to tell me what really happened with Stark" he folds his arms.

"I've told you a thousand times, nothing happened. I only saw him and he ruined my mood because I wasn't expecting to see him there" you sigh.

"Fine" he slightly shakes his head.

"So, will you stay?" you ask again.

"I can't, I really am very tired and I won't even be done with work for at least a few more hours" he explains.

"Can I do any of these to help you out?" you point at the files in front of him.

"You're already helping with the reports you're working on currently, which by the way you should be working on right now" he finally smiles at you.

"I'll get back to them as soon as possible, boss" you smile back at him.

He stands up from his seat and stands right in front of you. Even with the heels you're wearing, your're still shorter than him so he's looking slightly down into your eyes. He forgets about his bad mood lately and leans into you for a sweet kiss on the lips.

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