Part 26 - Swim

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"I can't believe we're actually here" you sound amazed as you look at the view in front of you.

"I knew you'd like this" he smiles with pride, following you closely from behind.

He arranged a special occasion for your lunch time. He booked a boat ride with a yacht so big and luxurious that not only it's perfect for you to have a few nice moments of swimming, but it also has the perfect spot for a lunch with a great view.

"You're always so good at this kind of things" you giggle.

"Honey, I have to be at the top of my game to keep you by my side" he smirks.

"You really don't have to worry about that" you take his hand in yours and take the next few steps towards the table.

It's already ready and waiting for you, only the food is missing. Tony holds the chair for you, like the true gentleman he is, and then also takes a seat on this enormous table. The first person from the staff that you see is a waiter, who's already between you two with a bottle of wine in his hands.

"Thank you" you both say to him when he's done filling your glasses and leaves the rest of it on the table.

"Cheers, baby" you raise your glass.

"Cheers" he clinks your glasses together and you proceed with taking the first sip already.

"I love this" you say.

"I know you do" he replies, knowing very well in his head what your tastes are like by now.

Soon after your first taste of wine, the waiter came back with the plates. Some sea food right in the middle of the sea seems like the best way to enjoy your vacation. Tony really made the perfect choice of combination for the wine and food, you just couldn't get enough.

"Okay, I really need to lie down after this" you say after you finish your food.

"I'll be right behind you with another one of these" he refers to the glasses of wine.

Apparently, the two glasses each that you had already don't seem enough for him. Not that you'll have a trouble drinking some more of it, but it's still something worth mentioning.

"Here you go" he joins you, leaving the glasses on the mini table between your sun beds.

"Thank you. I think I'll try to get a tan for an hour or so before jumping in the water. I'm very full from the food right now" you let him know.

"Of course, baby" he kisses your forehead and proceeds with taking off his clothes to stay in his swim suit.

You're also in your bikini by now, lying on the sun bed. Your sunglasses can hide how much your eyes are glowing from looking at his body, but there's no way to hide the grin on your lips from him and feed his ego.

"I'll swim for a bit, I feel too warm" he says.

"Okay" you nod and watch him as he turns his back to you to prepare for his dive.

You can't take your eyes off of him during the whole time. It's addictive watching his back muscles as they move when he warms up before his final dive. He even has an excellent form, you can see it and also hear it when he reaches the water. You can't see him in your eye sight anymore, not until he swims a bit far away in the sea and you can spot him.

You love how athletic he is. It's obvious by his well shaped body but he always proves it at times like this. The way that he swims and his pace look like a professional swimmer. You'd really stay in your place and admire him all day if it wasn't for your phone ringing that caught your attention. And especially the person calling you, your lawyer.

"He's what?" you have to raise your back from the sun bed when you listen to what she's telling you.

The news coming from her mouth are shocking you, especially at the time of the day that it's happening back in the USA. Your heart is beating fast and you've started to sweat. Tony must have realised that something is off and he's now back on the yacht, approaching you carefully.

"Keep me updated, whatever time it is just call me" you say to your lawyer before you hang up.

"What's going on? Who was it?" Tony asks you, clearly worried.

"My lawyer. She told me Ethan is... he's spreading rumours about me. Saying that I broke confidentiality when we were dating" you gulp.

Tony's face instantly turned to an angry expression the second he heard the name Ethan. You can see him biting down his lip nervously in order to not lose his calm.

"What's his angle here? Is he provoking you? Playing with fire? Why's he doing that?" he asks.

"She thinks he's trying to build a case against me, make me look not reliable in case I want to speak up against him" you explain.

"She knows about...?" he doesn't even have the courage to ask the whole question.

"Not exactly. I've told her that something happened between us and I considered going against him legally but I never told her exactly what" you reply.

"Of course he had to wait until I was out of the country to do something like this" Tony's voice gets deeper and more aggressive.

"It's okay, Tony, it's just rumours. If I don't address them at all they'll go away" you try to calm him down.

"They're not going away, he is" he says seriously and turns his back again to you to reach and grab his phone.

"What do you mean? Tony, what are you doing?" you ask with panic as he types on his phone.

He doesn't answer your question. Instead, he puts his phone against his ear and waits until someone picks up his call.

"Listen to me very clearly you f*cking piece of sh*t. If you ever talk about her, say her name, or even think about her out loud, I'll end you. And I'm not talking about what happened last time, I'm talking about worse. You won't end up in a hospital, you'll end up 6 feet under the ground and I'm not even joking. I don't care about the restraining order, you're going down no matter what. Oh, and next time, be a f*cking man and don't wait for me to leave to make your move" he breathes heavily after he finishes the intense conversation with Ethan.

"Tony, it's okay, calm down"you hug him from behind as he chest moves in and out very fast.

Your hands are on his chest and that's how you can feel his racing heartbeat. He's way too emotionally charged and effected by this all situation, maybe even more than yourself.

"I'll make him pay, I'll make him pay for you" he turns around to face you, heart beat noticeably calmer.

"I don't want you to do anything stupid, alright?" you bring your hand on his face and caress his wet forehead nicely.

"No, I promise, only smart moves from now on. I'm not risking losing you" he leans his forehead down and rests it against yours.

"Let's swim, I think we both need to relax" you suggest.

"That's a great idea" he shows you a smile.

You walk together towards the end of the yacht and almost in perfect sync you jump from it. Finally, the sound of laughter is what takes over as you enjoy your time together at its finest. Swimming, laughing, sunbathing.

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