"Why did she tell you not to call me?" I asked in a shy voice. I felt kinda hurt that she didn't trust me enough to be here with her. I thought we were getting close. Plus I know her jackass of a boyfriend wouldn't be here if she needed him.

"She didn't get the chance to tell me why, she just said not to let you know she was here. She came in pretty messed up and disoriented so she probably didn't want you to see her like that."

"How did she even get here? Was she brought by the ambulance?"

"No, I asked one of the nurses how she was brought in and we checked the cameras. She drove herself. I don't even know how she was able to make it this far on the road because she nearly collapsed when she got into her checkup room. I thought you guys were hanging out this week, why is she like this?"

"I don't know. I had only seen her a few days ago when me and the girls had a movie night and she seemed fine then. Then the next few days she didn't reach out to me. So I really don't know what possibly happened," I said letting out a sigh. He nodded his head and got another call for a patient so he left.

For the next few hours, I sat patiently in my chair waiting for her to wake up. I decided to pass the time with some online work. I had left my computer in my car so I went to get that and some food I had in my car. I stayed with my eyes glued to my laptop trying to make time go by faster. It's been around four hours since I got here so I had to use the bathroom from all the water I was drinking. I went to the hospital bathroom down the hall. When I was finished, I made my way back to her room and when I opened the door my heart nearly jumped out of my chest.

"LUNA!" was all I could say. She had fallen to the ground where my chair had been. I quickly went up to her to help her back into her bed. I picked her up knowing it'd be the fastest way for her to get back in bed. I know my brother told me it'd be better if she didn't know I was here, but it's not like I could just leave her on the floor in this state.

"What happened are you alright? Did you open your stitches? Come one" I asked scared that the fall might've messed up the emergency surgery she had a few hours ago. She didn't say anything to me. All she did was turn her body away from me so she was facing the window. I didn't know what to do so I just quietly sat in my chair waiting for her to speak. Before she could get the chance to say something to me, my brother walked into the room. I could tell that she was pissed I was here when she asked my brother about it. He tried explaining the situation but she was still pissed. Seeing her reacting like this to me being here really hurt me. He started asking some questions about why she had gotten worse from her last visit. He even brought up the guy from the club making me stare in shock because I hadn't thought of that being a possibility. I truly hope that's not what happened.

All she said was that this was an accident. Accident my ass, something happened that she's not letting up on and my brother could tell she wouldn't budge her answer so he left to give her some space. The room fell silent so I spoke up.

"Why didn't you want me here?" Was the first thing I asked. She seemed very pissed and adamant that I not be here so I just want to know why. She stayed silent. I was getting annoyed at her for ignoring me.

"Fine, don't tell me why you didn't want me here but at least tell me what happened. You were fine when I left you that night then the next day you go MIA, and now you somehow ended up in the hospital." She still just stayed silent. I was at my breaking point with her at this point. I was feeling all kinds of emotions right now ranging from sadness, to hurt, then to anger. I couldn't help it as my eyes started to well up with tears.

"Seriously Luna, what the actual fuck is going on with you. Why won't you talk to me? I know we haven't known each other for long but I thought we trusted each other. Did that guy from the club do this to you again?" I said pleading for her to give me an answer. Just something other than this unknown silence because it was breaking me. I walked over to her front side because she refused to turn my way.

"Luna please just tell me if he did this to you. We can go to the police and try to fix this." I could see her body stiffen at the word 'police' as I was talking to her. I saw she was getting irritated at all my questions. But I just wanted to know how I could help her.

"No he didn't. I already said it was an accident alright so just stop prying and leave me alone" she all but screamed at me as she finally spoke to me. My heart broke a little when she told me to leave her alone. At this point, I was hurt and frustrated. Why can't she see that all I want is for her to be safe? That's all I ever want for her. I stood up from where I was an ran a hand through my face. Kirsten walked in and basically told us off for yelling. I couldn't blame her though because she was right. We were over here fighting when she didn't need that added-on stress. I decided to just leave the hospital. Since Kirsten is back, I won't have to worry about Luna being alone, so I left for both of our sakes. My brother was talking to one of the nurses as he saw me pass him in the hallway with an annoyed look on my face. Before I could make it out of the hospital, he came over and stopped my arm.

"Bada, what happened? I heard the yelling"

"Nothing, so just let me go," I said with my face down. I knew I fucked up getting frustrated with her after she just woken up. I was mad at myself for being the cause of her feeling this way. I tried to tug my arm back but he wouldn't let go so I just kept my head down.

"Noona, don't blame Luna for not wanting you here alright? She could've been in a tough position and you not being here is to help you more than herself. You guys arguing won't do any good for either of you. Go cool off for a few hours and I'll call you later about her condition" he told me. I didn't say anything and just nodded. He let go of my arm and I made my way to my car. When I got in my car, I just sat there in silence for a few minutes, trying to collect my thoughts. I was pissed at myself more than her because she must've not wanted me there for a reason. I decided to drive to my dance studio and practice some choreography to get my mind off of tonight and her.

I stayed at the dance studio until two in the morning. My body was exhausted from all the dancing I did and the little breaks I had. I spent this time working on a few new dances for Bebe and critiquing til I was happy with the final product. I also did a new dance for the class I'm teaching next week. I used the song 'Wild Side' by Normani and worked just with the first minute of the song. I felt very accomplished by the end of the night as I lay on the floor staring up at the ceiling trying to catch my breath from all the dancing. I stayed like this in the empty room and the lights were low. My mind couldn't help but go back to the one girl that has been on my mind lately. Although we just met not too long ago, I felt like we had known each other for a while. It usually takes me a while to warm up to people but with her, I was immediately comfortable. There were no awkward feelings or vibes between us and I know she knew it too. We were just content being in each other's presence.

I couldn't help but wonder what could have made her end up in the hospital like that. I don't think it was the guy from the club, I could see it in her eyes when we talked about him. There was no hint of danger when I brought him up. What could've happened? I racked my brain with different scenarios. After I left that night, Haneul was really pissed after seeing us dancing together. Could he have done this? This was a big accusation but it had to be a possibility. Although he was a jackass, I doubt he'd put his hands on her right? That couldn't be what happened. I sat there for a few more minutes until my phone buzzed with a text.

It was from Kirsten. She told me Luna was fine and she was recovering well. She also told me that Luna mentioned what happened between us to Kirsten and told her that she didn't mean to hurt my feelings, she just needed space. I thanked Kirsten for letting me know the updates with Luna and we ended the conversation at that. I got up from the floor and gathered my things making my way home. I just needed to get some rest and hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. 

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