11. Gentleman

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I love travelling

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I love travelling... Since I was a kid, my dad has been a travel enthusiast, making me one too. From exploring new places alone or with a group of friends, I was always up for it. So when I got to know about the trip our college organized, I agreed in no time.
Although I am completely fine being alone on the trip, I don't know why I asked Taehyung to stay with me and made him promise to not leave my side. I really don't know. It was something about his presence around me that gave me peace. That's why knowingly or unknowingly my legs always found a way to him in the college.

"Taehyungie~ smile~ Show your perfect teeth" I see Jimin taking Taehyung's photo with my polaroid camera, which he stole...I don't know how.
Taehyung, who actually slept throughout the whole bus ride from college to here, smiles sleepily, making me laugh. Jimin really tormented him in unusual ways.

We just arrived at our destination and like Taehyung's mom predicted, he slept the moment we boarded the bus. I was a little bit sad since I had no one to talk to... although both Jimin and Yoongi hyung talked to me occasionally, I wanted to spend more time talking with him.

"Ok everyone!" One of the professors, who was managing the whole trip says loudly, gathering everyone's attention. "I will be assigning rooms to all of you. Please take rest for a while and let us all meet here at 5 pm for evening activities!"

The rooms were small so we had two people in one room. Me and Yoongi hyung took the same room and Jimin and Taehyung took the room in front of us. After getting some more instructions from the professor, we all start heading towards our rooms.
As we reach our floor, I see two girls struggling to open their door. I immediately recognized them as Chaeyoung and her friend, Nancy.

I put my luggage on the floor and walk towards them.
Chaeyoung approached me first yesterday with an offer to work on a song with her. She was really shy at first, just like Taehyung was when I first met him. But she was talented and her voice was actually melodious so I did not hesitate to say yes.

"Do you need any help?" I ask.

"Oh Jeongguk?" Chaeyoung looks at me. "Uh... Can you please open this door for us?" She asks after a while.

"Of course" I smile and take the key from her hands. Turns out that they were swiping the wrong side of the key all along. The door opened in a second when I swiped the key the right way.

"Ohhh" They both say in unison. "Thank you so much Jeongguk. You are such a gentleman." Chaeyoung smiles at me.

"It's alright. Well see you in the evening"

"yeah" They both enter their room and I also walk back to where Yoongi hyung, Jimin and Taehyung were standing.

"Oh you are such a gentleman Jeongguk~~" Yoongi hyung teases. I just roll my eyes playfully and scoff at him. They all really just need to have a chance to tease me.

"Come on guys, let's go to our rooms also... Uh Taehyungie let's go" Jimin says and takes Taehyung's hand and walks towards their room. I furrow my eyebrows a bit at his behavior. Usually Jimin was the first one to tease anyone about anything. Maybe he is tired from the journey.

I shrug my shoulders and follow behind them along with Yoongi hyung. Taehyung was also struggling the same way with the key. I approach to help him.

"Tae let me do i-"

"No it's fine" I retract my hand as I stand and see him. He struggles for a bit but opens the door. They both get inside and when Taehyung was about to close the door, he looks at me and then down before mumbling, "See you in the evening". And then he closes the door before I could say anything.

Did something happen? I don't know... I sigh and turn around to walk in my own room...


After taking an ample amount of rest, we all were supposed to gather downstairs for evening activities. I dress appropriately and make my way downstairs. The place was a hiking spot so directly outside our cabinets was a space for bonfire and then one way led to the woods and the other led to the hiking point.

As soon as I step out of the cabinet, I immediately spot Taehyung sitting on one of the logs alone. Many people had not came yet so there was less crowd.
I walk to him and take a seat on the same log. He upon feeling someone's presence beside him, looks up to face me as we both smile.

"You were right... Jimin and Yoongi would really leave us on our own" He laughs making me too.

"I am always right... Um... Are you ok? I mean you were not in a good mood this afternoon... everything's okay?" I ask... I don't know if I was supposed to but I did... I did because that face of Taehyung was something I would never want to see again... as his friend...

He shifts in his place before looking at me with a small smile.

"I am perfectly fine Jeongguk... I usually get- uh- a little grumpy after I travel" He says and I nod. The sun set and now the lights were switched on everywhere, including the fairy lights that decorated the upper part of the cabinet. It was something about that setting of light that made Taehyung's face glow in a golden hue... something so beautiful that I just wanted to keep looking at him and his eyes, those hazel eyes that shone even brighter...


I clear my throat at the thoughts and look around to see more students coming down... Among them were Jimin and Yoongi, who make their way towards us and sit on a nearby log.

We all sit in a comfortable silence before the professor arrives and stands in the middle of the huge circle of around 60 students... It was a paid trip so many didn't join...

"Well good evening everyone! I hope you had a good rest in your rooms... So now for the first evening activity, we are going to set up a barbeque. You all will be assigned a specific task in a group of four. Complete that task and the end result you know is very delicious!" He says excited.

We sit and wait as the assistant organizers walk to the students and assign them tasks. There were different tasks like chopping vegetables, getting the goods from a market or cooking the food. After some time they walk to us.

"Ok so you two and the girls standing there are in charge of bringing woods for fire... This is the torch for you. Take care" They say pointing to our right. We both look in the direction to find Chaeyoung and Nancy standing there.

Why is the aura around me so gloomy all of a sudden?

I think shrugging my shoulders... Taehyung was the first one to get up without saying a word. Unfortunately, Jimin and Yoongi were assigned the task to cut vegetables so they couldn't come with us.

I also get up and walk to them along with Taehyung.

"Oh god I am so happy it's you Jeongguk... now we can easily finish our task" Chaeyoung says putting her hand on my bicep. I smile and nod...

What is burning? We didn't even bring the logs yet...


I am obsessed with fri(end)s!!! It's so so so addicting!! 🩷🩷

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