1. Sickeningly Love

212 8 36

Word count: 622

"He's just a fucking fatass.." Kyle says to himself, trying his hardest to convince himself that he could NEVER have feelings for someone like Cartman, after all how could he even fall for him, when he's so terrible and fat?

Even though no matter how hard Kyle tries to hide and gaslight himself, it's true he has fallen for the fat boy.

Suddenly Kyle's train of thought is interrupted by the ground shaking, which could only mean one thing, speak of the devil. "Sup Jew" Says the fat fuck.

Kyle rolled his green orbs. All these confusing feelings and Cartman's inconvenient appearance made him scream at him. "Shut the FREAK up! Your voice is sickening!" The green hat gay yelled.

Cartman was a bit set off by how quickly the Jew got mad at him, the cyan hat poop-brunette boy flipped the Jew off and waited for the bus to come.

The bus arrived and Kyle hurried onto the bus, excited to get away from fatass, he motioned Stan to sit by him but he ran off to sit by Wendy (like the gayass he is)

"Whatever.." Kyle thought, "I like being alone better.." but unfortunately for him a boy of monstrous size sat next to him, Cartman. "Goddamnit Cartman! Choose a different seat!"

"Like I'd let a Jew boss me around now move over." Kyle reluctantly scooched over and was nearly squashed to the side because of Cartman's wide figure, or for better words, he's fucking fat.

Kyle tried his best to contain these feelings but it's been getting increasingly harder with the humongous guy next to him. Kyle started getting flashbacks to when they were trapped in a cave and started getting extreme claustrophobia from cartman's massive ass suffocating him.

Kyle started wheezing and taking deep breaths, Cartman looked over, concerned. "Jew! Jew what's going on?" Cartman yelled out but Kyle couldn't hear him.

All of a sudden, everything went black, and Kyle passed out.

T-t-t-two hours later 🥺

Kyle woke up to the fluorescent lights of the nurse's office and a dead fetus staring at him.

He shot up and looked around nervously, "Oh, you're awake!" She exclaimed, "You were out for quite a while. Your friend was worried about you."

Kyle looked confused. Was she talking about Stan,"Who, Stan?" He asked. "No, no, the obese one," She replied while writing down something on a clipboard.

Thoughts zoomed through Kyle's head, why would fatass be worried about him? Cartman and Kyle had been enemies since the dawn of time. Ever since they were toddlers they were fighting, Cartman had never cared about Kyle... Had he?

All of a sudden it clicked in Kyle's head, Cartman liked him. Eric Cartman, the fat fuck who hated jews liked Kyle Broflovski, the jew. Kyle jumped off the bed and ran through the halls, and decided to confront his feelings once and for all.

"Hey fat boy!" The ginger Jew called out, Cartman heard him and turned around "J-jew?!" he responded. Then suddenly Kyle pulled in Cartman and yelled out "I-I LIKE YOU BAAAAAKAAAA"

Cartman was in disbelief and shock, and blushed a little. "Heh, you must be REALLY sick Kahl because you would never say that. Not like I care or anything I--"

"I'm not saying that because I'm sick fatty! I mean it! God stop being such a BAAAKAAA" Kyle interrupted.

Cartman blushed and realized that this was real life, they then kissed (like the fucking gays they are ig) "Pffft you're probably just sick or something Jew you wouldn't love a bad boy like me..."

"No I'm not sick! I'm just sickingly in love" The Green hat gay Jew replied and smirked.


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