59 - Submerged in the Devil

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When the devils tighten their grip on your soul, do you even notice?

You're a fearless storm, unchained and unapologetic, revealing your vile truth.

In the depths of your being, booze flows like a turbulent river, a hidden stain within your veins.

Your stumbling act becomes a mirror, reflecting the echoes of your aching soul, but these faltering steps were chosen by you.

In the embrace of lofty beds, where pillars once stood tall, you rested on fragile dreams that crumbled beneath the weight of reality.

I offered you to the arms of drugs, hoping they could mend your shattered pieces and soothe your restless soul.

I am guiding you towards the lavender fields,

where the intoxicating aroma of liberation will envelop you amidst the devil's grasp.

Perhaps, amidst the fragrant whispers, you'll discover the serenity you seek.


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