01 - The Harsh Truth

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Nights, where the beauty is supposed to hide.
Shamelessly, it is also where the devil brings
out his knights.

In that darkness painted by the night, the body
will find a way to show its light.
Show the seductive flesh to the many knights.
There she feels whole by the devil's flattering sights.

She lifts her skirt and wears clothes skintight.
She thinks she is safe, but bring in the eyes of men a sparkle shining bright.

I am amazed. How did she choose to go with clothes naked, yet think she is in the right?
Perhaps she knows not that man's blood rushes to his desires of her, urging them to see unexplored sights of her.

Like the parting of the seasides. She knows the difference between salt and sugar,
yet decides to wander into the desires of men late at night.

"Clothes you say? I decide what to wear, even though they see my nude side".
That is why you show it,

Because you know the attention you will get, is more than the sun's light.

For that, you will tear apart your modesty,
Only to dance on the flowers of attention, not realizing that men will want

to strip you off, and make you come over to the sin-side.

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