Chapter 79: Contiuing the Search

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Dream POV

After hearing what Karl had told me I couldn’t help but leave, trying to go and catch up with Techno so that the two of us could continue to go and try to find George. Even if I was still anxious and uncertain about whether or not I would be able to find him, I wanted to for both my broken heart and Karl’s.

‘George is gone because of me! He is my best friend and I stopped hanging around him! Now… now I’m miserable and he’s gone and I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault!’ The words hurt to hear him say, since in reality it was my fault that the human was gone, and yet Karl was basically beating himself up over it.

Even with me and Techno searching together it was obviously going to take forever, I mean there is a forest that spreads through several US states to search. So Sapnap called us to tell us that he was organising for Wilbur, Bad, Skeppy, and a couple of our other friends to join the search as well. It wasn’t much, but anything helps.

“How do we even know that they are going this way?” I asked Techno, who was walking a few feet ahead of me. “There are hundreds of miles of forest. They could have gone in any direction and could probably be in the next state by now.”
“Trust me I know where he is going.” Techno told me.

Both of us continued walking with me being confused. “How do you know where he is going?” I asked, my eyes flaring up to a bright green as I eyed him suspiciously.
“I am the best at hunting people down, remember.” Techno grinned, his eyes glowing a bright red to match mine. “Although usually they don’t live too long after I find them.”

I didn’t like those words. It made me worried that Techno might actually kill George, however I knew that he surely wouldn’t do that. He knows that I would attack him (and absolutely kick his ass) if he tried to hurt George.

We were following the river, Techno had given several reasons as to why this was the best thing to do. Stuff about how George would need to stay close to a water source, even if he was still traumatised by the river. That made sense to me so I followed after him.

I still wasn’t sure why my beloved human had run off in the first place. Surely I had been making a connection between myself and George. I had looked after him, fed him, clothed him, and had looked after him emotionally, physically, mentally, and even sexually. Why would he want to escape after I’ve given the precious human everything that he needs.

“How far do you think he could have gotten by now?” I asked Techno, not exactly sure why I did since I suspected I wouldn’t like the answer, after all he had a week's head start.
“That depends.” He replied. “How smart is George?” I was confused and scrunched my face up at Techno as he continued. “Also, how quickly does he run out of energy?”

“Do you mean like stamina?” I asked him, since he did run out of stamina really fast, but that’s besides the point. “I think he is really smart, but he can start getting tired and cuddly and whiny really quickly.” Techno notably rolled his eyes, probably when I decided to throw in the fact that George was ‘cuddly’, but he continued.

“Well since humans do require more sleep than demons do, and since they are a lot slower than us, we should be able to close the distance. Unless he is really smart and managed to sneak onto the back of a truck, or change direction or something.” I listened quietly, watching as Techno paused for a moment, considering which way to go, before starting to walk again.

He noted my distressed expression and gave me a soft smile. “Don’t worry,” he told me. “I’m sorry for freaking you out, we’ll find him.” I just nodded hopefully. For Karl’s sake I hope that we will find him.

George POV.

The five kids were all giggling and running after each other, playing a game which didn’t seem to have any rhyme or reason. Niki walked beside me, both of us grinning as we watched them. “Just make sure that you don’t run off too far.” Niki told them. “And don’t be too loud, you don’t want to attract any demons.”

They all nodded. It was a group of two girls and three boys. All of them had rough hair yet had surprisingly little dirt on them. Their clothes, and Niki’s clothes as well, were stitched together with different fabrics.

All of them seemed younger than ten, making me feel slightly sad. They had no sense of the normality of life from before these demons. They had no clue what things like TV or burgers were, except for stories from adults of the ‘good old days’. All they would know is about having to hide in a cave with stitched up clothing and only meat and berries to sustain them.

But I also thought about Dream. I wondered what was happening with him, and if he was still looking for me or if he had given up after a week of me being missing. How far away was he from here? Would that distance ever close? Was he even coming in the right direction? Was he even still looking for me?

Niki was matching my slow pace, with my foot being bandaged. I obviously was slow with a limp, but she talked about how she was fine with her daily time in the sun being a much more slow and laid-back walk than usual. She continued talking and I smiled and nodded at her words, despite being lost in my own train of thought.

To be completely honest, I was disoriented being in a part of the forest I didn’t recognise. I spent most of my time in the past seven or eight years living in the same stretch of woods between the cabin and Dream’s home.

This group all seemed so calm and peaceful that if I slipped off into the undergrowth they wouldn’t try and stop me. My only issue is that my leg is injured, making me slower and much more useless, and the fact that I had no clue where I was meant to go to get home.

“Excuse me.” A small voice asked, causing me to look down and see one of the two girls looking up at me. She wore a dress, which seemed to have originally been a lilac colour but had faded with time and been contrasted with different patches ranging from browns to blues to greys. “Do you want to play tag with us?”

I smiled softly at her. While she waited for an answer her hands held the hem of her dress and she fidgeted with them. Her hair was more tame than many of the other kids. The shiny brown locks fell in waves to just below her shoulders and it was kept in place by the only piece of clothing that was one colour, a yellow beanie, but it could have easily been a red or green.

“My leg is injured, so I can’t play, sorry.” I told her sympathetically, but I also couldn’t play since I could barely remember what tag was. Then I added on. “Your beanie looks cool.”
“Thanks,” she grinned. “My parents gave it to me. It’s the specialist thing in the whole world.” I smiled at her happiness before she asked. “What’s your name?”

“George.” I replied, before asking the same question in response. “What’s yours?”
“I’m Tallulah.” She beamed up at me.
1338 words

I know I shouldn't be introducing new characters with less than three weeks of chapters left, but come on.

Anyway, see you all tomorrow.

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