Chapter 72: Killing

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Dream POV.
A few months ago

“Where the fuck is George?” I asked his father, growling threateningly and my eyes glowed brightly from my furiosity. He seemed too shocked to speak and so I continued. “If you tell me something useful then I might let you live.” My claws were already digging into the skin of his shoulders, drawing small pools of blood which I knew the older man could feel.

The forest felt a lot louder than it usually was and I was listening even more intensely. Part of me hoped that George would call out to me, about where he was and what was but I heard nothing aside from his father’s panicked breathing. His father, who was the only person who knew where George was and decided that it would be a good idea to hold him at knifepoint.

“Why the fuck should I believe you demon scum! You’d tear me apart regardless!” He screamed out and I somewhat agreed with him. I wanted to kill him for what he had done to my precious human, to his own son. He was writing around pathetically in my grasp and sending out a flurry of insults. I scoffed.

“Regardless of what you believe, you should know that I do not plan on tearing you apart.” I said plainly. Perhaps I was lying, I hadn’t decided whether I would actually rip him apart or not yet. Since it was clear he didn’t believe me I decided I’d make him think I would tear him apart.

I growled lowly. “I plan on slicing you open and ripping out your organs one at a time while you are still alive, since despite you thinking that I am a mindless, bloodthirsty demon I know enough about anatomy to promise you that I can do that. Now where is he?” A look of fear appeared on the man’s face and he quickly pointed over in the direction of the river.

The fact that it was towards the river freaked me out, after all of George’s freak outs when he was in and around the river. Even looking over in that direction reminded me of every scream and cry and scared little movement that George made because of the trauma at the river.

His father obviously didn’t know this. He didn’t know about all of the tragedy and trauma that George went through, or at least I assumed that. I assumed that even though he had kidnapped his son and held him at knife point, that he wouldn’t be enough of a monster to take his son somewhere that utterly traumatised him.

Part of me wanted to kill him for me even having that thought. For me even having the idea that he would intentionally traumatise George. But the thought of my beloved human being hurt and scared and in danger overwhelmed my need for revenge and I growled.

“If I ever see you around this area of the woods, or around my human again then I will make you wish that you were never born.” My voice was low as I growled at him. “I will tear you apart limb from limb making sure to cut each and every nerve individually so that you will feel all of the pain imaginable. Do you understand?”

He nodded, seeming so scared that he could have fainted just standing there. I smirked internally at this, seeing how terrified he was after everything that he had done to my precious pet human. Then just to make my point I shoved him onto the rough terrain with a growl and turned to hurry towards where he told me George was.

If the older man happened to be lying I knew that I would be quick enough to catch up with him again and threaten him some more. Yet as I got closer and closer to the rushing water I heard the sound of sobbing, and saw a shaking figure on the ground.

Being slow and calm so as to not startle him I walked over to the figure before scooping him up into my arms. He was crying so loudly as I lifted him into my arms that even as I lovingly shushed him it seemed he didn’t hear me. To make it easier to carry him I pulled him to my chest, holding his body with one arm and running my hand through his hair as I walked.

Modern Day
George POV

“Dad?” I asked, finding my ability to speak after getting rid of the shock of having a knife close to my throat. He stared down at me with an agitated expression. I was absolutely terrified because I began thinking that I was seeing a ghost and began trying to crawl back away from him.

“Stay still.” He told me firmly and I did, looking over each and every run of his features to see if he was somehow back from the dead.
“Dad… what?” I asked worriedly. “But Dream… he killed you.”

“No he didn’t.” My father replied. “He basically left me for dead. He threw me to the ground and I almost bled out but I survived.” He said, his voice sounding like venom as he talked about Dream. “I had to tend to my wounds in the middle of the forest alone, with my no good son not even thinking twice about coming to look for me.”

“You left me for dead.” I reminded him. “I had a panic attack by the river and you left me.”
“At least you weren’t bleeding.” My father told me. “I could have died yet that demon brainwashed you into thinking that it was better for you to be with him rather than your own flesh and blood!”

I didn’t want to say anything, after all he didn’t seem like he was going to listen to me regardless, plus he had a knife to my throat and I didn’t want to make him want to use it. So I just sat there, looking guilty downwards and he took that as a victory.

“Come with me.” He said firmly, lowering the knife away from me and providing me with the opportunity to stand up. I glanced over my shoulder in the direction I came from, considering making a run for it since I was a lot faster than my father was, but the angle I was standing at didn’t seem like a good one to begin running from.

“Unlike you I don’t abandon my family.” My father said, grabbing my arm before even attempting to run. Even if I was a lot faster, he was a lot stronger than me and his grip was making my skin turn white. “Even if they are skeevy little traitorous shits who would rather befriend a demon than stay with their own father.”

“It’s not like that!” I tried to protest. “Dad, please let me-” I was cut off as he firmly pulled me forward, twisting my arm in an unnatural and painful way as he did.
“Move.” My father instructed. “And if I have to repeat myself you won’t like what happens next, understood?” Tears were pricking at my eyes but I reluctantly nodded.

Without either of us saying another word he began pulling me away from the river and away from where Dream, Karl, Sapnap, Philza, and even Techno were. He was pulling me away from my home and if it weren’t for the sharp knife and the bone-crushing grip I would have tried to run, but unfortunately I couldn’t.
1310 words

So in my last book, Howl in the Night, I told you guys that it had become my second longest story beating out the original Demons. But I would like to confirm now that this story has reclaimed the title of second longest story, for Demons.

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