Chapter 25: Taking them home

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Dream POV.

As I sat comfortably leaning against the wood I could hear the pairs faint whispering back and forth. I wasn't able to make out a lot of the words that they were saying but from the tones of their voices it sounded as if they were confused or concerned about something, however I didn't know what it was.

I was content to just leave them to hang out in their old home for a few hours to hang out, I was enjoying the warm sunshine which slashed through gaps in the overgrowth and was in no hurry to leave. Perhaps I should have brought a book of some sort, since my phone didn't have any service this far out of the forest.

Suddenly there was the sound of something collapsing which caused me to jump up in a fit of panic. What had happened? Had one of them gotten hurt? As I hurried around the side of the cabin I could hear the sound of Karl crying. It made me figure out what was happening almost instantly and caused me to hurry up more.

I threw the door of the cabin open, seeing Karl snap his gaze over to look at me before shrinking back. "Don't hurt him!" He begged desperately. "It-it was my idea to run off! Don't hurt him or be mad! I think he's badly hurt!"
"It's okay." I responded, trying to comfort Karl while also assessing George. "I'm not mad."

As I said that I knelt down, lifting my unconcious human into my arms. "What happened?" I asked him, although I had a pretty solid idea.
"We went to the river and he got in but then he started panicking, so we both got out. I think maybe he got hypo... hypo... y'know, when you get cold."

"Hypothermia." I responded, noting how cold George was, along with his clothes that now had dirt covering it. "How about we get him home?" It wasn't a question, it was more of a polite order. Karl nodded and slowly stood up while I adjusted the sleeping brunette into my arms.

As I began the walk back towards the house George nuzzled into me, trying to get even more warm. All of my protective instincts were going overboard and I began coming up with a plan as to what I should do when I got home with George, and Karl as well.

The first thing that I would do was call Skeppy and Bad to ask them to come and check on my human. After that I'd get him into the bathroom and give him a bath so that he can get clean and warm up. Then I'd change him into warm clothes and get him into bed. I would also need to make sure there was lots of food and water in case he was hungry.

"I'm so-so sorry that I got him hurt." Karl sobbed as he tailed after me. "Please don't be mad at me, and don't tell Sapnap. I don't want to get hurt."
"You won't get hurt." I reassured, his nervous breakdown making me feel nervous in response. "It was an accident. We both know that."

He nodded, tears in his eyes. Using the back of his sleeve he tried to wipe them away but more tears were rolling down his face before the previous round of tears were even gone. "So, what was your plan if you got out of here?" I asked to make conversation. "Where would you go? What would you do?" I mean they weren't getting out of here, but I was just curious.

"Oh... George probably wouldn't want me to tell you." He responded quietly, his gaze flittering down to the brunette who was curled up unconscious in my arms.
"Okay then, are you sure?" He gave me a nod, remaining firm with the fact that he wasn't going to tell me. "That's alright, I don't want to know your classified information."

"What does classified mean?" Karl questioned, his brows furrowing as he sounded out the word.
"It means secret, and that only certain people are allowed to know." I then paused. "Do you not know that?"

There was a shake of the head. "I haven't been in school since I was fourteen, and in the past few years I've probably only talked to twenty people. I don't know a lot of words."
"And I'm assuming that's the same for George?" There was a nod of the head. Maybe I should get them a tutor when we get back. They might appreciate being able to catch up.

Even with us hurrying to get home and get George warm it took a while, however eventually we broke through the treeline and the two of us hurried across the grass with George still curled up in my arms. Karl threw the door open when we hurried into the house, causing enough of a commotion to get Sapnap to investigate

"What's all this yelling about?" He asked us loudly. "I have almost finished editing my video." His eyes then glanced over the scene, seeing George curled up in my arms and Karl with tears streaming down my face. The bright glowing of his eyes dimmed and his voice grew silent. "What's going on?"

"George... he..." Karl was gasping and spluttering, unable to create a coherent sentence. "He fell into the river. I tried to warm him up but then he... he fainted." The wrath demon immediately pulled Karl into a warm reassuring hug.
"I'm going upstairs to warm him up." I told the pair.

They watched as I carried him to his room and then from there into the bathroom. It was warmer in here than it was outside, and I began filling the bathtub up with warm water and bubbles. While that was happening I pulled off George's drenched clothes, dumping them in the basket in the corner to wash later.

It was completely unsexual and unintamate in every way. Just a good owner taking care of his beloved pet. When the brunette's pale body was naked in my arms I looked over him, the way that Bad and Skeppy told me to (that reminded me that I should probably call them after giving him a bath).

During their long talk on the first night that Sapnap and I had brought home the humans, they told us to check to see if they were healthy. Mainly it was checking to see if his ribs were visible as a way to see if they were gaining weight and eating enough. Bad had checked the first night, and I had checked the other day after they'd escaped in town, and now I was checking again.

George's ribs were no longer visible, a perfect contrast to the jutted bones from the first night of him being here. It made me feel proud, he was so strong being able to recover this fast. A purr emanated from my chest as I lowered him into the water, brushing my hand through his hair as I did.

For about ten minutes I sat dutifully by my pet's side, cleaning him and allowing his body to warm up, all the while he was blissfully unconcious. Then I dried him completely, changed him, and got him into bed, feeling proud of my skills when it came to caring for him.

I settled down in the bed beside my humans, my hand constantly brushing through his hair as I did.
1288 words

And despite saying it twice, he still has not called Bad and Skeppy.

And he wants to fuck his (unconscious) human that he just bathed more since he 'recovers from malnutrition fast'.

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