Chapter 24: Return to the Cabin

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Dream POV.

When the two humans both jumped out of the window I let my eyes flicker open. It was quite cute that the humans did not know much about demons, including the fact that we had evolved past the need for sleep. For a few minutes I laid still, just in case they were still hanging around, then I sat up, sliding off of the couch.

“You are both too cute.” I smiled to myself, glancing out the window behind me to see the two figures disappearing into the forest. The moment they were properly gone I stretched and hurried up the stairs. “Sapnap!” I called out to my best friend, a grin on my face as I did.

I stepped into the doorway of his room, and he pulled his headphones off so that he could hear what I was saying. “What?” He asked.
“Just wanted to tell you that I am going for a walk in the forest with the two humans.” I said, nodding promptly as I did.

“Okay.” He responded. “Would you need me? They might try and run off.”
“They won’t get far, besides I’ll be able to deal with them.” I reassured him. “I’ll see you later.” Then I turned and left, a few seconds later the typing began again in his bedroom.

I hurried out of the house, the humans were still out of sight (obviously). It took me a few seconds to hurry into the forest after them and then I shifted into my second form. This was the best way for me to follow after them, partially to make sure they didn’t actually escape, and partially as research to see what they were like without us breathing down their necks.

My second form was a long, jutted out creature with dark black scales covering my entire body. The only part of my body which wasn’t covered was my face, instead of dark black scales was a  white, plastic textured circle on my face. It was like a mask, except a mask which was fused with my face. A long pointed jaw was prominent under the mask with sharp teeth.

I kept low to the forest floor, being camouflaged as the scales rippled along my body. They blended perfectly with the foliage so I knew that if the two humans tried looking over at me they wouldn’t be able to. My clawed feet also allowed me to remain silent as I ran and lept, so the two humans wouldn’t be able to hear me when I got close.

Their voices were quite faint, they probably didn’t realise that I was awake and following them, or that I would be much faster when I wasn’t in a bipedal form. “So where are we going to go?” I heard Karl whisper. “I mean, we can’t go back to the cabin.”
“Obviously I know that.” George’s beautiful voice replied. “I don’t know where we can go.”

“Maybe we could go somewhere warm.” Karl smiled. “Like if we start walking to California!”
“Or perhaps to Florida!” George added on with a smile (what a silly little human, not knowing we were in Florida).
“Maybe the Nevada desert! I remember my family went there once and won a ton of money.”

“So we’ll be rich, but living in a world full of demons who won’t let us buy anything?” George asked before giggling. His voice was so cute. I smiled. Having a pet human was a great idea, despite the fact that he hates me and tries to escape every second day. I wanted to just be able to hug my perfect little human lovingly.

The two of them fell silent for a few minutes, reaching the river which was near the cabin that they lived in when we found them. “How do we cross this?” George asked, looking down anxiously at the water. I remembered the fact that he had fallen into the river on the day that I had found him. He probably was stressed about it happening again.

“We’ve crossed the river before George.” Karl replied, turning and lowering himself down in the water. For a moment he tensed up, getting used to the cold temperature before relaxing. “See,” he smiled. “It’s easy. Don’t tell me you’ve gone soft after spending three weeks in a warm double bed.” Karl then smiled sweetly at George who shook his head.

“I’ve not gone soft.” George responded, his words hesitant and stuttering slightly. “I have not gone soft. I’m fine.” After saying that he squeezed his eyes shut, possibly trying to hype himself up before slowly lowering himself down into the water.

He was shaking, however it doesn’t seem as though it was from the cold, but more likely from the fear and PTSD of what had happened. “Karl,” George basically whimpered, a complete one-eighty from what he said about being fine earlier. “I’m not sure that this is a safe idea… what if-what if I get pulled under again?”
Karl looked over, seeming concerned. “I can pull you out.” He reassured.

“No you can’t!” George insisted. “You-you aren’t strong enough! Only Dream was strong enough! If it weren't for him I would've… I would've drowned! I’m… I’m sorry.” He stuttered lightly. “I-I’m sorry. I think we should just walk.” My gaze softened as he pulled himself out of the water, shaking violently from the cold, or perhaps from fear. It seemed that tears were streaming down his face, but it could just be water from the river.

“Okay.” Karl spoke mutely. He pulled himself out as well and despite being cold himself he focused on his best friend. “Are you alright?” The taller brunette asked. George shrugged, or it seemed like a shrug however it could have just been more shivering. “We could go back to the cabin and get some towels.” Karl offered.

George nodded and the two stood up, changing directions and beginning to walk back towards where their cabin was, the path seemingly engraved into their memory. When they were gone I shifted back into my form which looked more human, leaning against a tree to support myself as I watched them walk off.

I was concerned for George. He seemed as though he was in pain yet I didn’t want them to be scared about the fact that I was following them. Taking my time I tailed them over to the cabin and sat down outside. I sat against the half-rotting wood, attempting to listen to their conversations on the other side of the thin walls.

George POV.

“You are okay. You are going to be okay, right?” Karl asked desperately as he hustled to try and find any food that hadn’t expired in the past few weeks.
“Yes,” I responded. “I’m… just cold, not-not going to die, okay?” My teeth were chattering and a blanket was wrapped around my shoulders.

The bed and the blankets were covered in dust after weeks of not being used, but I didn’t care as I was cold. “I just want to make sure. You seem cold. Don’t want you to get hypo… hypo… hypo-whatever.”
“It’s hypothermia, but I’ll be fine.” I whispered before sighing.

“What’s wrong?” Karl asked, looking away from the wooden shelf full of cans of food.
“I’m just thinking that maybe escaping wasn’t a good idea.” I sighed. “I mean, it is stupid but if something bad did happen it seemed as though Dream would look after me. Just what if something bad happens.”

“Maybe you have PT-” He paused for a moment before continuing. “PT-whatever.”
“PTSD.” I responded before shaking my head. “No. It won’t be that.” Then a moment paused. “I kinda wish we could go back.”
“Really? They’ll be mad at us for leaving.” He whispered, seeming scared.

While he was talking I felt my head begin to get fuzzy, my head ached slightly. “Are you okay?” Karl asked, noting the way I was acting.
I just nodded. “I’m gonna get a drink.” I stood up to move across the cabin but as I moved my head just felt overwhelmingly heavy and I fell forward.
1385 words

I just love giving George stress and PTSD.
Happens almost every book and really ✨spices✨ things up.

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