Chapter 4: Scream

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George POV.

Karl woke me up with a loud scream right in my ear, making me immediately think that he had a nightmare but when I opened my eyes I immediately saw that it was much much worse. A pair of tall figures were standing over the bed and looking down at us, but what was truly terrifying about them was their glowing eyes.

Even though it had been years since I had seen a demon I easily recognised what they looked like. The much taller and more muscled frame. The sharp fangs in their mouths. But most obviously, their glowing eyes. Without even thinking I pushed myself into the corner of the bed as far away from them as possible while keeping Karl close.

“Calm down.” One of them said, the slightly shorter one with dark hair. “We aren’t going to hurt you.” Obviously neither of us believed him, after all the pair of them were demons who broke into our house in the middle of the night. They were definitely wanting to eat us.
“Why the hell should we believe you?” I responded with gritted teeth.

Neither of them responded, which made me feel even more confident that the pair of them were going to do something to us. Without saying anything the pair of them stopped to look at each other, seemingly talking through the looks they gave each other. Or maybe they were talking telepathically. Were demons telepathic? Probably.

They were probably having a conversation along the lines of 'what's the best way to cook a human? Boiled, or scrambled?'. Then the other would reply with 'I prefer mashed, like potatoes'. Then they'll laugh about it and eventually decide to stir-fry is instead, something I didn't like the idea of.

While they were distracted, I began slowly shuffling in the direction of the door, planning on sneaking past them and being out the door before they realised what was happening. I tapped Karl to get his attention and he saw what I was doing before copying my actions.

We began slowly moving and it was working. Neither of the demons looked over at us as they spoke in foreign tongues. Just before we reached the door though, they looked over at us and Karl began panicking again.

“Okay…” One of them, the taller blond, said in English. “Neither of you leave. We don’t want you to run out and get the attention of some demon who would want to kill you.”
“Kill us?” Karl squeaked out, seeming even more panicked. “You’re going to kill us!?”
“No we aren’t.” The shorter demon said, his gaze softening as he looked at Karl.

“I’ll ask again. Why the fuck should we believe you?” I said, pushing the younger brunette behind me. “You both probably eat humans for breakfast!”
“No way humans taste gross.” The ravenette continued, however that obviously didn’t calm us in any way.

Karl was still shaking violently and the ravenette demon reached out to him to try and, most likely, kill him. Before he could do anything I kicked him in the shin, wanting to protect Karl before throwing the door open and pushing the other brunette out. From behind me I could hear the injured demon curse followed by the sound of footsteps.

The two of us ran relentlessly, not daring to stop for a breath from the demons that were almost definitely pursuing us in an attempt for revenge. It was difficult to see anywhere in front of us and so both myself and Karl were running blind, just attempting to find a place to hide.

Dream POV.

“What should we do with them?” I asked Sapnap quietly, speaking in a tongue that the two small humans wouldn’t be able to understand so that they wouldn’t panic.
“Well your viewers said that you should get a human, so why not take one of them?” He offered with a shrug.

My eyes narrowed at that. “I can not just take one of them. Did you not see them laying in the same bed? They could be a family or something. I don’t want the guilt of splitting up a family on my conscience.”
“Then we can take both of them. We have two spare bedrooms.” Sapnap suggested.

Suddenly I heard the nearly silent sound of creaking wood, causing me to glance over in the direction of the doorway. Somehow the two brunette’s had snuck across the room without catching our attention, quite impressive seeing as we had super hearing. The taller of the two humans began panicking when we saw them.

“Okay…” I spoke up, deciding to try and calm them both down. “Neither of you leave. We don’t want you to run out and get the attention of some demon who would want to kill you.”
“Kill us?” One of them said, clearly not calming down like I intended. “You’re going to kill us!?”
“No we aren’t.” Sapnap attempted to calm him, unsuccessfully.

“I’ll ask again. Why the fuck should we believe you?” The other said. “You both probably eat humans for breakfast!” I rolled my eyes at the idea, knowing that it was a common human idea that demons liked to eat humans.
“No way humans taste gross.” Sapnap responded, not helping at all.

The taller of the two humans was still shaking violently and it seemed that Sapnap realised what he had said and tried to reach out and comfort him, only to be met with a harsh kick in the shin from the other brunette. Sapnap cursed loudly as the two humans bolted out the door.

I raced out of the door after the two humans, being able to see them struggling to weave between the trees in the darkness. They obviously struggled to see where they were supposed to be going whereas demons have an advantage of being able to see in the dark.

Sapnap followed after me, and as we stopped to watch where they were running one of them stumbled down a ditch which he obviously couldn’t see. The other was too far ahead to notice and once I exchanged a glance with my best friend we followed after them.

When we reached the human that had fallen over we noticed he’d fallen into a thorn bush and was shaking and sobbing as he attempted to see. Sapnap knelt down beside the crying boy to begin helping him out as I continued to follow after the other brunette.

Eventually we reached the river that Sapnap and I passed earlier, the human had spun around and was looking desperately in the dark for any sign of me. “Calm down.” I spoke softly, not moving any closer. “You’re just tiring yourself out, and your friend is back there and injured.” I motioned in the direction of where Sapnap and the other human were.

“Karl’s injured?” He asked, taking a step back over uneven rocks as his eyes widened. “What did you do to him?!”
“We didn’t do anything.” I responded, watching as he continued to step backwards, closer to the water. “He tripped in the dark. I can take you to him.

“No!” He yelled, continuing to step backwards. “You won’t take me to him! You-You’ll just wanna kill me!” His breathing was ragged as he shook. I was about to say something else, to try and tell him that he could trust me but before I could he slipped on a wet rock and fell backwards into the fast rapids of the river.

Without even thinking I dived in afterwards to find the human before he got injured.
1294 words

Haha, that dumbass fell into the river and now he needs a strong gay demon to take care of him.

Demons V2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ