chapter 35:running out of time

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Sup guys!so I have kind of a plot twist in this,no one dies.I've done a lot of that.but it might have something to do with Evelyn and the necklaces.or,one of the necklaces in particular.on with the chapter!

Evelyn's POV

I fidgeted.we had to get,really really soon.I looked at my friend."should we mark this spot?"I asked.she shrugged,nodding."yup!how about we build a kinda tower thingy?" "That seems good enough."we used dirt,and it seemed to be big enough."that's what she said." Nadia said."how did you hear that?"

"You speak your thoughts out loud that one incident where you said 'as the dick goes in the butthole.'"she laughed. "Those times were fun." "Yeah.they were."she smiled."I miss it." She sighed."so do I."

"We should head back....maybe tell jose what we found."I said.and she nodded."its dark...."she said as we walked,holding the torch close to her."I think we're almost there.....I'm hungry."I said."I can try making cake when we get back to base." "Can I help?!"I exclaimed excitedly."yup!"she said,grabbing my arm and sticking out her other arm to become an airplane.

We ran,tripping a couple of times.darkness is mean....

Nadias pov senpai kawaii desu..... Gomen nasaii for the small interuption.sayonara

When we did arrive,we started making a cake before we woke up jose.

"Cakeee!"I yelled,while Evelyn pushed jose out of bed.


Time skip to after cake is eaten and shit and it is explained that a strong hold has been found.

"Do you think we have a chance of getting out now?!"jose exclaimed."we might!"Evelyn said back."....might?"jose repeated."we don't exactly know.but heyyyyy,at least we had cake!"I said,throwing my arms up.

"We still need to give jose cheesecake."Evelyn said,smiling,and I nodded."and find chocolate cheesecake."I said(inside jokes huehuehue :3 ) "anyways,we still need to get the ender crap,but we also need 12 eyes of ender to activate the portal itself."I said"I think we might already have eyes of ender somewhere in the chests..."jose said,getting up and searching through all the chests."found them!"he said,throwing them everywhere."cash money cash money!"Evelyn yelled.

"Bakas."I laughed,picking up the eyes of ender,before sitting down."then I think now we just have to make armor,and get bows,but I thiiiiiink we already have bows...?"I questioned,looking at the other two.I got up,looking through more chests,and giving bows and arrows to the others,before sitting down.

Then we sat in silence."does anyone else feel sorta sad because we started with like,8 people,then we got more people,and they all either left or died?"Evelyn said.I nodded,sighing."maybe if we get back to the real world,they'll be there again....." "To be honest,we don't really know what happens if you die in here...we know you don't respawn,but we don't know if you come back in the real world..."jose butted in."maybe...We should have done more research......?"Evelyn asked.
(lol.this reminded me of a portal song "....for the good of all of us,except the ones who are dead.but there's no sense crying over every mistake,you just keep on trying til you run out of cake!and the science gets done,and you make a neat gun for the people who are still alive! ....don't judge me.)

"I don't know if we have enough time for it now...."I replied.there was more silence all around. You all shouldn't be thinking such thoughts. I jumped slightly. Aww.have you already forgotten that I'm here? "Kayla?"I whispered. Ahhh,so you do remember my name. "You haven't said anything in so long....why do you speak now?"

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