Chapter 3: A Boy and his Lizard (First Draft)

Start from the beginning

He let the rain hit his face and he sighed. "Good, I'm going the right way." Galan could see their loot on the other side of the camp lit by a covered flame, but between his prize and him was a large bonfire not even the rain could quench. The raiders were celebrating their victory. For Galan, this victory would be their last.

Killing was hard at first. He used to think all could redeem themselves, but when everyone burns... you have no choice but to embrace the blaze. These people were monsters that only he could stop.

Galan kept to the shadows; his loud footsteps were washed out by the rain crashing into the earth. Galan was disgusted by these people. What was the point of stealing children after letting a city burn... His brain couldn't think of an answer that didn't disturb him. The collection of good and prizes that were stolen was massive. Finding his spear would be like a needle in a haystack. Just add onto the challenge, one of the larger raiders, and ogre by the name of Ergog was patrolling the loot.

Large and ugly, in and out. This raider was ruthless and one of the ones running the operation from what Galan could gather. Right when Galan was planning on how to topple the beast, another raider called Ergog over for a drink. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. So Galan moved though the goods quickly and quietly searching for his spear. He dug through pile after pile of mistreated weapons, fancy plating, paintings, and food to find nothing.

Galan went from pile to pile focusing on what was in front of him instead of what lurked in a nearby cage. He started his method of pulling this out when a claw reached through the cage and nicked his arm. He grappled the wound and stumbled back into the mud. Face top face with the caged beast, Galan met her gaze.

Even through the rain and poor lighting, Galan could make out a rather young malnourished maystrenko that was slightly smaller than a young horse. Her pale-yellow scales were chipping and looked sickly as they stood matted like they couldn't fall out. They almost looked like flowers. The beast's tail was missing but she still used what was left to warn off Galan. She retrieved her claw and let out a low growl.

Galan quickly patched his arm in the rain and slowly approached the cage. The maystrenko slashed and scraped her claws at him and the cage but he was just out of reach. Her breath was heavy and it looked like every slash took a lot out of her. She was hurt.

He couldn't see a visible wound so Galan assumed she was hiding it to fake her strength. Galan could feel her fear as his own. Trapped and fighting for survival. She was too young for this. Galan didn't need to wind to know what to do. Galan approached getting cut in the process, but he couldn't shock the cage. It was wet and made of metal. His arm bled as he searched for a rock to break the lock.

The first smash with the rock made the metal scream, luckily lightning struck as he hit, but the maystrenko lizard dug her claws deep into Galan's arm keeping him in place. Her claws dug deeper and deeper every time Galan stuck the lock. He tried to time it so the thunder would drown out the rest. The rock chipped with every crash cutting his hand as he kept the maystrenko in place with his other arm. When the lock finally gave, the lizard slammed open the cage smashing it into Galan's face as he lost his balance.

The beast started to retreat, removing her claws from his arm and trampled over him. Galan pulled himself from the mud to see the beast stop and look back at him, almost as to say thank you. Galan nodded his head at her in recognition as she fled into the night.

His arm was bleeding pretty badly, but he was glad he could help. Galan was able to use a small amount of magic to stop the bleeding, but he'd need to get it looked at once he saved the kids. Galan proceeded to search the loot scattered about, unaware of the guards that had returned to their posts.

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