15: the plan

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Later on, back in the I.M.P office, Blitz stands in front of the whiteboard. Behind him is an easel covered with paper drawings.

"Alright, shut your a**holes! Here's how we're gonna do this s**t!" He starts to explain determinedly, pointing to the provided drawings to further back up his explanation.

You watched inquisitively from Millie's lap, suckling your thumb as you let your imagination roam, bringing the crude drawings to life.

"First, we find a f**k ton of clients."

Blitz points to a picture of Himself, Loona, Millie, you and Moxxie standing together with a bunch of sinners, surrounding you with bags of money.

"We portal up."

Blitz then snaps his fingers, prompting a portal to earth to appear, in which you all fall into.

"We have our fun murder time as per usual."

Then you all carry out the planned massacre; killing off a large amount of humans with guns, though you mostly mauled them, using teeth and claws to do the job.

"We pile all the bodies into a big fuckin' canoe."

Said human bodies are tossed into a large canoe that reads "S.S. C** Gutter."

"We push said canoe into some water."

Blitz then kicks the canoe full of bodies away from the dock, out into the open water.

"We light it on fire to attract the sharks and eagles 'n s**t. Maybe a goose, too! F**k it!"

Then, a bunch of sharks, snakes, eagles and other creatures swarm the boat, eating the bodies that were set alight in the canoe, with a large octopus chomps the entire ship and the animals, finishing off the entire ordeal.

"They come and eat the bodies, we win the bet..."

You all celebrate your win, with Loona wearing a party hat and you holding a cake.

"We rub it in that sloppy b***h's drunken w***e-a** face..."

The older I.M.P members give a Verosika drawing several middle fingers while you simply stuck your tongue out at her, causing the defeated pop star to burst into tears.

As the presentation ends, you clapped happily, giggling in excitement which made Blitz smile as he threw his pointer stick out a nearby window. "Do you have... any questions?"

"Uh, yeah." Moxxie was the first to speak up. "Why was that nonsense?"

Blitz, annoyed with the lack of support, walks over to Moxxie. "That wasn't a question."

"That wasn't a plan." Moxxie rebukes dryly. Blitz responds by putting a hand around Moxxie. "I'm sorry, but that was a flawless presentation of what we should do, Mox." He states with a clear condescending edge. "It's not my fault you got a smooth little brain upstairs."

"A what now?" Moxxie somewhat knew what his boss meant, but he still felt the need to confirm.

"I'm callin' ya slow, Moxxie." Blitz confirms, thoroughly irritated with the imp's density. "God, why don't you learn to take criticism, you talentless baby d**ked troll?"

Moxxie, angered by the jeer, climbs onto table in defense. "Well, why don't you take an art class?"

Blitzo was quick to grab Moxxie and throw him back into his chair. "Why don't you see how EXPENSIVE they are?!"

"Hey, is there a way I can come with you guys this time?" Loona quips, looking away from her phone at the imp team.

"Absolutely not, I forbid it. Not gonna happen." Blitz states quickly and firmly. "Sorry, sweetie. Spring break is no place for young, vulnerable goth girls. You know the kind of FREAKS up there who'd drool all over you!"

 You know the kind of FREAKS up there who'd drool all over you!"

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"Well, I can blend in with humans easy enough." Loona assured matter-of-factly. "Just let me tag along."

Blitz paused in surprise. "Wait, say that again."

"I can... blend in...?" She repeated slowly, a bit confused as to why he was surprised.

"Do you have a human disguise?" Millie asks, after a pause.

"Yeah. Don't you?"

The imps went silent, nervously exchanging glances with each other, while you resumed to suckle on your hand in complete ignorant bliss.

"You three have been screwing around on Earth this whole f**king time... without human disguises?!" She asked, completely appalled at the lack of stealth and common sense in the team.

"Ya!" You piped, throwing your hands up cheerfully, in which earned a deadpan glare from the hound.

"Okay, new plan!" Blitz quickly scribbles on a piece of paper and hangs it on the easel. It shows Loona surrounded by humans with hearts around them.

"Loonie can help lure the humans to us, and we'll take care of the rest. Okay, how about that?"

"Flawless logic." Millie agreed on the spot, lightly ruffling your hair.

"Faw-ess!" You repeated happily, clapping your hands cheerfully.

"I think you're missing the biggest issue, sir." Moxxie was quick to object. "Isn't it crucial to have a client who demands enough kills to win this bet? We aren't just going up to massacre!"

Blitz smirked in confidence. "I got that covered, Mox."

Blitz puts up a rather crudely drawn flyer on a nearby post reading: "Spring Break Victim, 50% Off!", decorated with a drawing of Blitzo, a dead victim and colorful horses.

"Now... we wait." Blitz walks over to Moxxie, who looks skeptical at the idea.

Millie stood behind the two, Holding you in your sling. You squirmed a bit, impatient and eager to get this game started already.

"Just a bit longer, shug." She reassured you gently, patting your back.

"Sir... there is no way we are going to get enough clients by the end of the day with one poorly spelled, bad grammar flyer!"

However, no sooner that he said this, they then see a massive crowd of demons; sinners and imps alike, and sinners lining up, looking at the flyer.

"Yay!" You clapped happily, causing Millie to giggle at your enthusiasm. Now that there were clients, the game was ready to start.

Blitz grins smugly, chuckling as he elbows Moxxie, while he just pouts at the circumstance. After which, Blitzs strolls over to the crowd demons.

"Now, who's first?"

Credits to the Vizi-artists for the obvious background of the provided pic.

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