13: Pop Star!

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"I love this song!"

You heard Blitz exclaim as the sound hard rock music blared out from the speakers within the I.M.P van and immediately started to sing along with the lyrics, though it was severely off time.

"🎵~You were a spicy little- uh- Demon with the- uh- bleach blonde haaaair! Fieeendin' for that semen when I caught your stare...~🎵"

...and off-tune for that manner.

His passenger, Loona wore a look of annoyance, as his singing was too loud for her to effectively tune out. In the backseat, Millie rolled down the window, smiling as she leaned out of it in contentment. She then turned back to look at you. "Does the wind feel good, shug?"

 "Does the wind feel good, shug?"

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You all come up to an overcrowded parking lot, but right as Blitz was about to pull into an empty slot, a pink convertible suddenly takes the spot causing Blitz to nearly lose control of the van and slam his brakes. Angered, he looks at the girly pink vehicle, catching a glance at its license plate reading "SUCKS-4-LIFE" in red text.

"Oouh, you "suck for life," do you!?" Blitz then pulls out a megaphone, and leans out of his window to address the thief.


That was when the passenger steps out of the pink vehicle, glaring at Blitz with a look of disinterest from behind her thick sunglasses.

"Oh s**t!" Once Blitz recognized whom he was seeing, he lowered his megaphone in shock. "Veroskia!"

The succubus stands for a moment, blowing a small pink bubble from her mouth and letting it pop. "Blitz-o."

"I should have known you'd be here." Blitz seeths bitterly. "I could smell fish for miles, which is odd. Because I believe the nearest ocean is--"

Rather then open the car door, he instead climbs out of the window, falling flat onto his face.

"--three rings DOWN!"

"And I should have known you'd be here when I heard the Amber Alerts." Verosika retorted calmly.

"Oh yeah? I'm surprised they let your fat ass outta rehab." Blitz rebutted. "I can see you're still a drunken whore, clutching onto that Beelzejuice bottle like it's the last c**k in Hell!"

"They let me out because I'm still famous." She stated matter-of-factly, flipping her hair in an unbothered manner. "And rehab is for sad, loser wash-ups."

She takes a swig from her bottle, before looking at Blitz with a snide smirk.

"So your sister says hi."

"Why are you parkin' here?!" Blitz asks angrily walking up to her. "This is the ONLY parking spot my company has! So take your tampon race car somewhere else!"

"Actually, pr*ck. It has my name on it." Verosika states, pointing down to her feet where her name has been scribbled on with purple-magenta spray-paint while I.M.P was crossed out with it.

"I'm doing a bit of freelance for one of the infinitely more successful companies in the building..."

"No way..." Loona uttered, watching the scene in disbelief.

"...and they wanted to have me come in this week to lead their team during spring break." She finishes her boast, which put Blitz in shock.

"A WEEK!?! No, no, you are NOT parking here for a f**kin' week!" Blitz protested, which prompted the succubus to grin at his dismay as she took off her glasses, revealing her pink eyes.

"Awww, you mad, Blitz-o?" She asks condescendingly, before her smile fades into a bitter grimace. "You gonna run off, leaving someone else to pay for the hotel room, steal their car and run..."

"...three rings to Wrath and max MY credit cards on shitty horse riding lessons?!" Blitz finishes the specific sentence along with her in annoyance. "Goddamn it w**re, you will NOT let that go!"

"Choke on a sandpaper c**k." She growls, flipping Blitz off as she started to walk away.

"HOLD ON! You better move that p***y wagon right now, or I'm gonna..."

A shadow casted over him before he could finish his sentence, and he turns to see a large, muscular hellhound, baring his teeth at him. "You'll what?"

"Or I'll... uh... uh, I- I'll call HR!" Blitz blurts.

For a moment the words sunk in before they broke into abrupt laughter at the ridiculous claim before regaining their composure.

"Anyway, meet my new Hellhound, Vortex." She gestured to the large hellhound slyly. "Unlike you, he actually does his job well."

With that, she walks off with Vortex at her side, but glances over her shoulder to give Blitz one last flip off. "Ta-ta, f**k stain."

Blitz groans in frustration. "I wasted so much time with bag of holes like that."

"You know Verosika Mayday!?" Loona exclaims, kicking open her door.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Her, yeah. We dated." Blitz stated nonchalantly, and somewhat bitterly.

"Was it before or after she became a pop star?" Millie asks, peeking from the van window.

"YOU dated a pop star??" Moxxie asked in pure disbelief as he exited the van in a haste.

"Pop tart?" You asked, trying to lean forward in your booster seat.

"Okay, why are you all acting like that's such a shock?" Blitz questions, annoyed with their surprise.

"Helloooo? It's Verosika Mayday?" Loona said, as if the answer should be obvious.

"It's... you?" Millie added, making the implication more clear.

"I just... Is she blind??" Moxxie questions, baffled at the idea. "Suffering some form of brain damage?"

"Pop tart!" You exclaimed again, throwing your hands up cheerfully.

"Okay, look, you are all making this into a way bigger deal than it needs to be." Blitz finally says, thoroughly irritated. "I don't pry into your stupid personal lives."

His hypocritical statement was met with protests from his co-workers, aside for your demand for pop tarts, but he ignores it.

"What was sex with her like?" Millie asks with a curious, sultry grin.

"Millie!" Moxxie looked to his wife in shock at her question.

"Whaaaaat, it's a pop star!" Millie was quick to defend herself. "You'd wanna know what sex with Michael Crawford was like."

Moxxie was about to protest, but her question sunk in. "...Touché."

"Okay, look, let's just drop it! Millie, j- find a temporary spot for that truck." Blitz tosses the keys to the gleeful impess before turning to the others. "Okay, Loonie, Moxxie, grab your kid and let's go handle this s**t."

"Pop tart!" You exclaimed again as Moxxie unbuckled you from your seat.

"And get the kid a damn pop tart!"

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