15. broken hearts

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I was sitting in my room messing with my own laptop.. Typing and earasing the same sentence.. And i can't even foucus on my work.. Crepp..

I leaned back on my head board of the bed and closed my eyes.. Her in the bridal lehngaa.. Thoes blue eyesss with anger.. And her wedding.. This fucking wedding just messed me.. It felt like my whole life just ruin in front of my eyes and i couldn't even do anything..

Last 5 months were peacefull untill a new break.. Whole pakistan gone crayz about their wedding. How come she didn't tell me anything about the wedding ? Even if i didn't confessed she knew it that i like her.. I like her so much that she ruined me.. But look at her.. Does she care ? No !

She left me all broken.. The pices she collected has ruined again.. I thought it was mutual feelings between us.. But that day had to be worst day of my life..

Only i know how i tried to contect her.. How many calls and how manh messages i send her but she didn't even reply.. I tried to meet her in person but every time she denied telling me she was busy.. She didn't even try to tell me about it.

The whole month i spend trying to talk to her.. I tried untill the wedding but seems like destiny didn't want us to be together.  I stood up from my bed and went to take a bottle of the alcohole that was rested on my study table.. As i opened it amd about to gulp it her words started romming in my head..

"you should avoid drinking alcohol.. What if one day i found you in some road laying dead infront of me because of this shit you drink.."

I crused under my breath and threw the bottle away on the floor.. Sound of breaking glass of if eachoed in my room and i step outside my room gazing at the night sky.. A full moon was shinimg brightly just like her face.. The start was twinkling just like her eyes sparks when she smiles.. And the cozy wind was waving just like her smooth hair..

Screw it !!

Every thing was her only.. There was nothing but her every where.. Just like my shadow.. Who don't leave at any me at any cost..

Never in my life thought that a woman would ruin my life beacuse that woman had me on my knees.. She played with my heart and when she done playing with it she threw away that toy.. I want to laugh at my self.. And i am.. Any one would laugh if they found out what happened with me..

Every memory of her was playing in my mind like a movie which was never ending.. I was that bad for her ?  Am i not enough for her ? I questioned my self. I seriously don't know what she saw in that fucking ali.. If she had marry another man at least i would live in peace that sje is with someone better than me but that ali ? No fucking wayy... Abdullahh ali his father.. I hate him..

If his father was a rapper than what you'd expect from his son ? Nothing.. Just a ruined life. I am sure she knew about that bastered but hos can she just agreed with him to just marry ? I hate the fact that she choose that bastered over me..

I could feel a tear slid down to my cheek and i wipe it of harassly.. I gulp down on my whisky and stare at the sky.. How broken and how messed i am looking right now..

Ashi :

Here i was sitting in front of mirror taking off my jwellery.. I took out tge bangels tok harshly that some of them break out and fell on the floor.. While i took out the heavy ornament which was tied around my neck and giving me hard time to breath.. 

I was staring at the mirror while taking off the things and i heared the door unlocked.. I panicked.. I am not a person who got sacred or get panicked but i knew him.. I know that he is a monster.. A devil who don't even deserve to be in a hell.. I tried my best to controll over my emotions and her enetered in the room with a huge smrick on his face. I ignore him..

"you need any help sweet heart ?" i cringed over his "sweetheart" and i threw him a glare..

"that look on your face has stole ny heart.. "he said and i rolled my eyes.. I can't spend a minute with him then how the hell i am going to live some months with him ? How ?

I heared his step coming near me and he placed his face near my ear.. I stared him through the mirror and then he whispered,

"don't give me that attitude of yours understand ? Ir next time you do found your self forcing me on you.." he said and i huffed in the air..

"try me.. Try to touch my a bit of skin and the next day you will be burried in the castel.. So STAY.AWAY.FROM.ME. " i said to him.. I stand up from there and went in the bathroom for some breath.. But i couldn't even breath here properly.

"ya allah.. Ye kaisa imtehan ke rahe he aap hanare saath ?" i said once i entered in his walk in closet attached with the bathroom.. Once i reached to the basin i turn the cuff on and took soem water on my hands and splashed on my face..

I looked at the face and only found my red eyes.. Teares were no where to be seen my eyes says it all.. I stare at my feature for long time without blinking my eyes.  I shut my eyes as the memories came through my face and a tear sliped from the corner of my eyes. Thoes months were indeed beautiful and best months of my whole life..

But as some People said , if you are happy then one day you need to pay that happiness with some pain..

And that happned to me.. Today this words proved.. But this is not the end right ? I'm a woman of my own world and he definetly regrat his decision of him marrying me.. I let out a breath and found my self smricking.. 

Be ready for what is comming aliii...


One day they have to come to eachother okay  😭 even i can't see them like this but i am a author so i need to but be ready for some actions and some dhamaka you all 💀 and my teacher fucked up my weekends so i'm sorry guyss..

And i am not promising this time so i post the chapter soon.. Till then byy..




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