Chapter 9: Part 1- Where are we?

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"Huh... alright... so... how's my power?'

'It is... balanced but not perfect, your eyes are actually permanently stuck as they are right now due to you using your power during that... trip'

'... alright... it was nice talking for now, catch up later, got business to take care of...'

Wait... Viper is just standing there

I turn around...

"You good? I tried talking but you were unresponsive" Viper asked

"Yeah, sorry, just lost in thought..." I answered

what an interesting town... where do they get their water?

I look around... is this an oasis?

Not important...


actually it is... I'm very thirsty-

I notice Marie standing nearby

I poke her shoulder...

"Hey?" I try asking her to see if she understands octoling

"Need something?" She responds

"You understand me?"

"Of course. We are agents, it was kind of needed to know octoling language for information-

wise... Callie has been lacking in just refusing to learn how to speak octoling." Marie states

"Where is the water here, I'm thirsty as hell" I ask

"Not sure, but here, have my bottle"

She hands me a water bottle

I drink it all...

"Thank you" I tell her as I hand it back

"No problem, just remember you're responsible for getting the zapfish back" She told me

"Fine, I was the one that offered it to him"

"Also... why are your irises glowing?"

"Side effects from overworking myself"

"Interesting... just don't cause too much attention to yourself, it's faint right now since it is the daylight and I'm assuming you didn't push yourself too hard to where it's hurting yourself"

"I will try"

I don't think Callie told her about the attempt to wake her up... oh well...

Ok... I have to find out where exactly we are....

"Viper, find out where we are yet?" I ask her

"We are at inkasis, conjoined efforts between a reptilian and inkling town, name is a mixture of inkopolis and The Oasis" Marie answered for Viper

"When was this established?" I ask

"Ever since the reptilians left splatville, their leader had a grudge against the anarchy since he wanted to be a leader of a large civilization, they didn't get many octoling or inkling supporters... and he took it in a harsh manner... thinking they did not want him as a leader because he was reptilian... which wasn't the real reason but he left too fast to get the real answer... so, the people of inkopolis help make a new home for the reptilians and they wanted to try out the desert for new turf war arenas so it was a win win for both ends" Marie said... explaining way more than I asked for-

"Oh- um so... the leader left because he was upset he lost an election? And he held a grudge against the inklings and octolings because of that... left splatsville with other reptilians... how was he before then?" I ask

"According to the older inklings and octolings of splatsville, he was very kind but somewhat egotistical, he would never want to harm another... at least... of his own accord... and he took it... more as a betrayal than just losing an election. He thought he was very liked upon, enough so to lead the city but the people did not want a leader"

"So... the people did like him... but just didn't want a leader? What is his name anyway? It is much easier than referring to him as the leader?"

"Correct, and his name was Rex"

"Alright... any objectives?" I ask Marie

"Not as of now, waiting for other agents to arrive"

"Ok, guess Ill go rest"

I walk away with Viper

"So, wanna do anything now that we have free time?" I ask her

"Eh, deserts are not my thing... I'm just going to stick to the shade" Viper said

"... ok"

She goes under a balcony

Guess it's time for me to continue exploring

Walking around the town... I get to the highest point

Look down

So many octolings, inklings and reptilians...

Wait... that vision...

It wasn't here... was it?


Where is the temple...? Is it in the ground?


Why was it hovering anyway...

Is it fate? Or can I change the outcome...?

I can't let these people be hurt... especially by someone they had loved...

But... I can't fight on his level... without risking myself in the process...

'Hey Sakuya, what happens if I start to push myself too hard, power-wise?' I ask

'Well... for most... their skin would start to melt as if it were ice... their flesh would start tearing apart due to all the power flowing through them... and... sometimes explode in a burst of power which is very dangerous... but that is what generally happens, it varies from species to species... you are the first inkling/octoling to receive a weapon spirit, so it might be different.' She answered

'Melt... burst... wait that vision...'

'What vision?'

'Oh no... was that... me on the temple....? It didn't look like a reptilian arm...'

'Cosmo... did you see a burst in your vision?'

'... would a burst be strong enough to terminate the other spirit?'

'Yes... but you'd also kill yourself and me in the process considering you're ground zero...'

'... not if you have a physical form... we would be separate'

'... Cosmo... you aren't considering purposely power bursting.... are you?'

'... no, just in case... don't want the ones I so deeply care for to be hurt all because I wasn't strong 

enough... so just make a physical form already...'

'Ok... I'm trusting you'

A bright light suddenly appears in front of me

I couldn't keep my eyes open...

"Well... how do I look?" Sakuya asked

Cosmo The OctolingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz