Chapter 39

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Michelle's POV

"I can't believe this is our last term with each other" Steph whines.
"I know right" Hunter agrees.
"Soon we'll be going in our separate directions" James says distantly. I look at him an he's daydreaming at his food. I elbow him softly. He snaps out of his daze and looks at me.
"You all good?" I ask.
"Yeah sure"
"What are you wearing to prom Michelle?" Riley asks excitedly.
"Prom? Oh um I don't even want to go really"
"Michelle? Hello? Are you in there?" Emily jokes.
"It's prom Michelle. It's the best night of your life. The time you never forget spent with your friends and your lover" Riley says.
"I dunno" I shrug. Steph, James, Hunter and West exchange glances at each other and Emily and Riley shift uncomfortably in their spots.
"Anyways if you don't come I'll drag you by your beautiful blond curls" Riley says her spark dying.
"Yeah okay. Ill go" I say.
No one says anything.
The bell rings an we all disperse for class.c
As I sit I can't focus. Why were the all odd and quiet? Is there something I don't know?
All these things bug me I didn't realise the bell rang five minutes ago.
I pack up my things and see James waiting for me in the doorway.
"Hey babe" he says wrapping his arm around me and kissing my temple.
"Hey" I say softly.
"Your daydreaming was pretty intense" he laughs
"Yeah I know aye? Been working on it" I joke. He laughs.
"Seriously. You all good?"
"You never asked me to prom" I say. It slipped. I didn't mean to.
"Shit," he whispers to himself "Michelle I'm so sorry"
"It's fine really" I say and mean it.
"No. God dammit. Ugh. I have to go. Lunch time training I'll see you after school" he kisses me again and runs off.
"Lunch time training?" I wonder aloud.
I walk outside to the outdoor tables and see the girls so I go sit with them.
"Hey Michelle" Riley says.
"Hey Riles" I say.
"You know James you to call me that- oops never mind sorry"
"It's fine. I know you to have history. My first day y'all were eating each other's faces" I laugh and so does the other girls.
"You can't say much Em, you and James were too to make me jealous"
"Wasn't my proudest moments I admit" she says laughing. We all laugh.
"So when are we going dress shopping?" Riley asks.
"I'm free today after school. Michelle, Steph, you in?"
"Yeah sounds good" I say smiling.
"Sure. I'll go" Steph says flatly. I rub my lips together and look at her with furrowed eyebrows. Just as I'm about to ask her what's wrong there's a loud whistle and a bunch of chanting and cheering.
"What?" Emily says. "Why's our cheer team cheering?"
"I dunno" all of a sudden there's a giant,messy, banner held by West and Hunter.
The entire Football team and cheer team all in their uniforms surround our table and then James runs through the banner and gets down on one knee.
"So? Will you go to prom with me?"
My eyes well up with tears and I can't wipe away my smile. I look at the girls and they're smiling their faces off.
"Well I guess so" I say loudly while smiling. James stands up and picks me off of my seat and kisses me on my lips.
Best prom proposal ever.

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