Chapter 13

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Michelle's POV.

"Hey Eldon, we need to talk. No to cliche. Eldon, it's not working. No. Ugh" I say out loud. I've been fretting all day on how to break up with Eldon when suddenly my phone rings. Eldon.
I answer, my heart beats a million times a minute.
"Hey Mitchie" he says. I need to be straight forward.
"Eldon" I squeak "Listen. I need to tell you something"
"Me too. Listen I'm sorry I haven't called sooner but my great aunt passed and I've just been helping my mum through it"
"Oh it's okay I actually need to tell you something"
"Hold up. I have great news and I'm dying to tell you"
"I got a scholarship to that collage I've been dying to go to for years"
"That's brilliant" I grab my keys and start walking for the door. "But I really need to say this"
"Yea sorry go on" he says.
Here it goes. "We need to break up" I say as I open the door. My jaw drops as I see James standing there with flowers.
"Shit" I mumble.
"Excuse me" James says defensively. I hold my finger up in a way to try and tell him to hold up.
"Michelle what are you saying" Eldon says into the phone. I shut the door in James' face and slide my back along it.
"I'm sorry Eldon. It's just not working anymore. With us being so far apart and I value our friendship more. I'm real sorry Eldon" I say. I feel so guilty.
"No it's fine really. There's no other guy though, is there?" I can hear the pain In his voice.
"No" I lie. "Friends?" I question.
"Yea sure" he says.
"Alright well, I'll talk to you later. Thanks for understanding"
"Yea" is all he says before the line goes dead. I turn my phone off and sigh.
"James!" I shout.
I quickly stand up and open the door. He is fuming.
"What the hell was that?!"
"I can understand"
"You'd better" he yells. I'm a little scared. I've never seen him in this state.
"Not until you calm down" I say taking a stand. He gets ready to yell but calms himself.
"Explain" he says through clenched teeth.
"Right. I wasn't dumping you, I was dumping Eldon" I say. He cocks an eyebrow.
"So while you agreed to be my girlfriend you still had a boyfriend?" He questions a little to calmly.
"Yea. I wasn't exactly expecting to kiss you that night and then have us be in a relationship" I say wearily.
He simply nods his head.
"So Eldon is out of the picture?"
"Your still mine?"
"Yes" I blush a little
"Your home alone?"
"Yes, wait what?" Before I could go any further James sweeps me off my feet and carries me inside placing me swiftly on the bench. He stands In between my legs and we start kissing.
There's a knock at the door and James grumbles.
"Maybe if we are quiet they'll leave" he whispers. I laugh and shake my head while jumping down.
I open the door and my jaw drops.

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