Chapter 21

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Michelle's Pov

With all my thing packed I put my weekend bag in the boot and get in their ute Eldon and I sit in the backseat together.
The vibe throughout the entire car ride is amazing.
I'm really happy I came on this trip.

It takes about forty five minutes to get to the boat house.
When we arrive the lake glistens under the sunlight.
This brings back old memories. I smile and stick my head out the window to Catch the breeze and breath in the fresh air.
"Oh my god I miss this place" I say when I get inside.
"I know. We haven't been back in ages" Eldons dad says. I smile at Eldon and he smiles back.
"Come on, I'll show you to your room" he says. I pick up my bags and he leads me to the best room in the house.
"Wow" I say taking in the view. "Can never get enough of this view" it's literally just breath taking.
"Best room for the little lady" he say in a country accent. We both laugh hysterically.
"Don't ever use the accent again" I say through breaths.
After a minute or so of calming down I suggest we go for a swim.
"That sounds like a good idea"
He leaves and I change into my swim wear.

"Secret spot?" He say when I get outside.
"Last one there gets to push the other in" I say and take off in the direction of our spot.
When we still dated we made a secret spot an every time I came here with him we'd go out the and just talk.

He passes me in no time but I'm right on his heals. I take off my shirt I had on over top of my bikini as I'm running.
Eldon gets to the rock first so I lost but I don't loose my momentum and I push him in the water. He grab my wrist and drags me down with him. I scream a little as we hit the water. It's warm and refreshing.
"Jerk" I say splashing him while laughing. He shakes his head and we swim over to our little island. We named it Micheldon as it was a combination of our names. We made that up when we were little and before we started dating.
"So, how's life back at your house?" He asks when we take a seat on the sand.
"Great" I say "I've made more friends and yea" I say.
"That's good. So you have more than two now. Your boyfriend and his sister" he jokes.
"Yea" I say laughing.
"Don't you think it's weird your dating your best friends brother?"
"Well, not really. Only cause I've dated my best friend" I say nudging him. He laughs a little.
"Eldon?" I ask after a moment of silence.
"What if it doesn't work out? Will you be there to pick up the pieces?" I ask an look at him. He looks at me and scales my face for emotion.
"Every last one of them" he says and smirks.

Eldon and I stayed on the rock until night fall, just chatting about anything and everything.
I miss these days where We could just isolate ourselves and only focus on us and our problems and find ways to solve them. That's why I liked Eldon so much. He actually listens.

When we got back his parents had started a small fire outside. Eldon and I take a seat near it and his dad puts a plate of food in front of us.
"Thanks" we say and dive in.

James Pov.

I'm tempted to text and call Michelle but I don't want to seem pushy. She already told me she'll have no internet till they're back at civilisation.
I hope she doesn't realise what she liked about Eldon and decides to leave me for him.
A. I'd be 20 grand short. B. I'd loose any chances at a football scholarship and C. I'd loose the one thing that means the world to me.
I drift off into a daydream where I'm imagining a life without Michelle. Also her reaction on prom night. It's supposed to be the best night of a girls life and I'm gonna make it a night of hell. I let out a sigh.
'Hey babe. Miss you so much. Can't wait to see you and make up for the time lost'
I send the message so when she checks her phone she'll have a smile.
I guess I'm a little jealous of Eldon right now. He's with his ex girlfriend in some boat house in perfect weather conditions. I mean seriously. How can one not be jealous?
She's beautiful, she funny, out going. The list could go on. She could sway any guys decision. And I get to call her mine.
For now. Far out I hate this stupid bet. Why did I even go sit with them that day.
I throw my phone against the wall in anger. I hear a smashing noise.
I walk over to it and see the screen is shattered.
"Fuck" I whisper yell.

Michelle's Pov.

This weekend has definitely been one to remember. I'm so happy I came. I almost didn't want to go back home. But I get to see James so I'm happy.
Spending time with Eldon was great I mean I miss him and I miss those days but I wish I could've spent it with James. It didn't feel right without him.

"Thanks for everything Eldon" I say when he drops me off.
"Anytime Michie. Remember I am just a phone call away"
"Even at 4am?" I joke.
"Even then" he says laughing.
"See ya" I say and walk to my house. The front door is locked which isn't that much of a surprise. My phone died when I got back so I couldn't text James. I hope he understands.
When I unlock the door I see a banner saying 'Welcome home baby' written across it. I smile. I plug my phone in it charger in the kitchen an look down at some freshly baked cookies.
Where's James?
My phone turns on and I see a message from James.
I look at it and smile.
I quickly dial his number.
It goes to voicemail.
Maybe he's busy.
I get a little sad that he didn't answer it but I can't expect him to wait on my every call.
I unpack and put everything in the wash.

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