Chapter 30

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Michelle's Pov

I put on my cheer uniform and it has seem to shrunk. I can't return it cause Stephanie will be angry with me. I am a little uncomfortable wearing this but I guess I'll have to endure it.
Since yesterday, James and I haven't really been talking so I have to walk to school in my skimpy uniform. I grab a black zip up jacket and put it on so I'm less exposed.
When I arrive at school I see 'the group'. I don't know if I should go to them. I really wish I made other friends.
"Yo Michelle" I hear Hunter call out. I flash him a fake smile and walk over to them.
"Hey" I say the Hunter. His arm is draped over Steph and she is also in her uniform.
"Woah Michelle did your uniform shrink or something?" She laughs.
"Shut up. Okay. I'm actually so sure it did" I say embarrassed.
"Nah all good" she says.
"It looks nice on you" Hunter compliments.
"Thanks" I say. I remember something James told me about Hunter. How he told me to stay away from him. Since James hasn't even acknowledged me this morning he can shove his warning up his ass.
"So how's your after school sessions going?" I tease Hunter.
"Fuck up. They suck shit Oi. Can you please join" he begs. I laugh at him
"Nah. It's your punishment you thick head"
He just smiles and shakes his head. James is still silent. I steal glances at him and he's just staring off into space.
The bell rings and we all disperse.
Hunter and I walk to English together. Some of the boys whistle at me along the way. Hunter and I flip them off and continue to class as if nothing happens. I wish it were James and I flipping those boys off.
"Well well well" some guy says blocking me and Hunter from getting to English.
"What do you want?" I snap. I have no idea who this guy is. I've never seen him before.
"I just want to know why the captain of the football teams girlfriend is wearing a skimpy little uniform flirting with his best mate"
"Excuse me?"
"What the hell Max. She's not flirting and they purposely make the uniforms short and skimpy. Cheerleaders are the hottest chicks in school so they have to dress like that"
I'm not sure if what Hunter said was a compliment or an insult. Either way I'm glad he stood up for me.
"What ever Hunter"
"Look Max. I don't know who the hell you are. But you have no right talking to me like that. So you can fuck off so I can get to English, that'd be great" I say and smile at the end. He narrows his eyes at me and looks me up and down.
"Just go Max" Hunter says. He looks a little frightened.
"Fine whatever. Watch yourself blondey" he says and walks off between me and Hunter shoving us in the process.

English is boring and nothing exciting happens. At the end of the lesson I expect to see James waiting for me but I don't an I'm sad. I don't know what's gotten into him.
"Oh my god. Michelle we've gotta run" Hunter says panic stricken as he shoved his phone in his pocket.
"Why what's wrong?" Before I get an answer Hunter is off run in down the corridor. I chase after him avoiding and running into students. We get to the field and there's a huge crowd.
"What is this?" I ask Hunter I try to look over the top of people's heads.
"It's James and Max" he says. Oh my god.
I push my way to the front just to see James get punched square in the jaw. His face looks terrible. People around me are chanting and videoing. It makes me sick.
"How longs the been going on?" I ask someone next to me.
"I dunno but Max is whipping James' ass" the girls smirks.
"Fuck you" I say and walk over to Steph who has a concerned look.
"What's going on?" I ask her "why hasn't anyone stopped this?"
"Probably everyone's to scared to even go near them" she says.
James punches Max in the nose and I hear a cracking noise.
"He's gonna get stood down from the team if he doesn't stop" I say.
"He won't listen to anyone. Trust me. We've all tried"
"Not everyone" I say mostly to myself
I see that there is good distance between James and Max. I take a deep breath and run in between them just and they both charge.
"Stop it!" I yell "both of you"
"Get out of this blondey" Max growls
"Michelle your gonna get hurt" James says trying to get around me. The chanting quiets down a bit.
"Have you taken a look at yourself. Your football team is on the line here. One more hit and you'll be off the team or stop Down for this match. Do you really want that?" I use his biggest strength as my leverage. He'll do anything to stay on the team. It means everything to him.
His face doesn't soften but he lowers his fist. Max just stands there huffing.
"You, go fuck yourself and beat up somebody your own size" I say to him.
"I wouldn't had to have beat his ass if it weren't for you" he say wiping his nose with the back o his hand.
"What?" I say. But before I get a answer he walks away. The crowd suddenly disappears. I turn to James and watch him collapse to the ground.
"James" I say and run to his side.
"Have I told you to look totally amazing today?" He smirks. I shake my head and laugh a little.
"Come on. We need to get you to the nurse" I say. I grab his arm and wrap it around me and place my other hand to support his other side.
"So do you want to tell me what that was about?" I ask
"He offended me by being a bitch about you. He said all the shit to my face. Plus he was being an ass to you. I wouldn't let him just get away with it. You know, no matter what happens between us. I'll alway be there to defend you"
My heart melts.
"I love you" I say looking at him.
"I love you too" he says. "I would kiss you but you'll probably just taste blood" he laughs.
"Yeah nah" I say laughing to. It feels so good to laugh with James again.

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