Chapter 23

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James Pov

I wake up to Michelle screaming again. I quickly sit up and turn on my lamp and check if she's alright.
"Michelle?" I say and shake her. She wakes up panic stricken.
"Are you alright?" I question.
"Yea" she pants "yea" she turns on her side and snuggles in my stomach.
"Can we just talk?" She asks innocently.
"Yea of course" I say. It starts raining again. It's silent for a while and I think she's gone to sleep but I stay awake to make sure she's alright.
"Do you know? I've always wanted to be kissed in the rain" she says.
"Really now?"
"Yea. I've ha this idea in my head since I was little of how I wanted it to be. I saw it in a movie once and ever since then I've wanted one" I can here the smile on her voice.
"Tell me about it" I say
"Well firstly I get into a argument with my partner. Then I storm out of the house in the pouring rain. I make it to the end of the driveway and I'm soaked to the bone. Then he comes out all determined and just stands in front of me. He gras my face and kisses me passionately. We pull apart, he looks me in the eye and tells me he loves me. That's how I've always pictured it" she laugh a little.
"That's beautiful" I whisper. I'm starting to get tired but I don't want to sleep.
"Michelle?" I ask
"Mmh" she says tiredly
"What are your dreams about?" I have to ask. I need to know if it's serious or not so I can help her. I don't know if it's about her dads death or something else.
She sighs and is quiet for a moment.
"Well the other day when you broke in. It was weird, you know? Like it was prom night and everyone was mocking me" she says and shudders. "Tonight was the same except at the beginning I was watching my dads death. Again and everyone started mocking me" her voice cracks.
I don't know what to say. I'm not good at this but I want to help her.
I hold her tightly and closely. Eventually she falls asleep.


I make breakfast in the morning. It's still raining. Very hard. I get an idea in my head. But first I have to make Michelle angry.
I fix myself a plate of breakfast and hide the rest in the oven.
"Something smells good" she chants happily and gives me a hug from behind.
"Huh oh yea" I say like I'm bored.
"Somebody is a bit grumpy" she says cheekily. I have to hold back my urge to smile.
"Maybe cause someone kept me up last night" I say in a monotone. She looks taken a back.
"Did you make me any breakfast" she says trying not to look hurt.
"Yeah, but I ate it already" I say and half smirk. She scoffs and rolls her eyes.
"Wow" she mumbles. She is silent as she rummages around my pantry for some food. Her silence doesn't last long though.
"Did I do something to piss you off?" She says putting her hands on her hips. I don't reply.
"Wow so now your giving me the silent treatment? Really mature James" she storms out of the kitchen and to the front door. I run and follow her. I wait tills she's almost at the end of the driveway before I go after her.
"Where are you going?!" I tell over the rain.
"Oh so now you care?" She snaps and crosses her arms over her chest.
I stare at her blankly before grabbing her face and kissing her with everything I've got. It's Long and meaningful. I can feel her smiling within it.
"You did this on purpose didn't you?" She says smiling up at me.
"Of course" I kiss her again.
"We should get inside" she says and starts walking.
"Michelle" I call and run to catch up with her. She turns and looks at me all innocently.
"I" I pause for a moment.
"I love you"

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