Chapter 12

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Michelle's POV

Walking into that party with James' arm aligned around me was the best feeling in the world. I felt special. I felt wanted.
"Wanna drink?" He asks me looking down into my eyes. I scrunch up my nose and shake my head.
"Okay, I won't have one either then" he says smiling. I feel guilty.
"No, I don't want to stop your fun. You can have one" I urge.
"Who'll drive us home?" He asks half smiling at me.
"I can drive" I say offended. He just laughs.
"Michelle!" I hear a drunken Steph call my name. James and I turn and see Steph with a bunch of jocks and cheerleaders sitting it a circle. She summons us over. James looks at me for confirmation. I just shrug with a smile and we walk over joining the circle.
"Hey guys" Steph slurs while slinging her arm around my shoulder pulling me into a hug.
"Right" she suddenly yells "I'm starting. Hmmmm" she thinks looking around the circle.
"Michelle! Truth or dare"
Oh god.
"Uhmm. Dare" I say proudly.
"Great. I dare you to grab the bottle of vodka sitting in the kitchen and down it. You have 30 seconds. Go!" She yells. Reluctantly, I get up and run to the kitchen grabbing the bottle. I come back and sit in the circle. I glance at James quickly, he holds a stern concerned look. I shrug with a half smile and down the bottle. I can hear the group start chanting and cheering. The room starts to spin as I finish the bottle. Everyone whoops and cheers.
"Your turn" Steph squeals.
"Hunter, truth or dare?" Since he was the only one I knew I called him out.
"Dare" he says smirking.
"Hmmmm. I dare you to seven minutes in heaven with her" I slur pointing to a random blonde. He simple shrugs and try both get up and leave. James nudges me.
"Do you want to leave" he whispers in my ear.
"After this game" I say leaning my head on his shoulder.
7 minutes later hunter an the girl arrive with swollen lips.
"James" he says. I hear him curse under his breath next to me.
"Truth or dare"
"Truth" he says sternly. Hunter cocks an eyebrow before he asks his truth.
"All right, tell us the truth what is going on between you two" he says motioning to us. I look up at him and back at the crowd whose eyes were all on us.
"Not to much" he shrugs. Ouch. I'm hurt. I thought he said he was my boyfriend. I scooch away from him and closer to Steph. The game continues and I can feel his eyes on me but I don't dare look. I'm afraid that if I look at him I'll just fall in love with him.
I'm really hurt that he didn't say we were together. If he really wanted a relationship he would've been proud to say I was his new girlfriend. New girlfriend, I am just a pawn in his little player game? Have I fallen for someone who will just dump me at the end of the week? Am I cheating on my childhood bestfriend/boyfriend for a jerk whose ashamed to call me his girlfriend in front of these people?
Without realising I get up and leave the house. I go outside and sit by the farthest fence. The air is crisp again my wet face wet face? Am I crying?
I see someone walking towards me so I quickly wipe away my tears.
"Michelle?" James' voice says as he approaches me.
"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings" he says taking a seat next to me. I shuffle away slightly keeping my distance and my stand.
"Michelle" he says the impatience appearing in his voice. I glance at him for a moment, his eyes soften as we make contact
"I didn't know what you wanted" he said coming closer. I don't object this time.
"I" I croak "I just wanted you to speak the truth" I mumble. There is silence.
"I'm sorry baby" he say wrapping his arms around my shoulder "I promise I'll make it up to you" he says kissing my temple.

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