Chapter 25: The Ten Commandments on the Move & Overwhelming Violence

Start from the beginning

Then Hawk made an evil laugh. "It sounds to me like you guys are forgetting something." Hawk said. "As long as we've got Meliodas' attack move we'll be able to take down anybody, right?" Hawk then blew out a cloud of smoke from his nose. "Yes, that's right!" Arthur agreed. "Absolutely, Sir Pig!" "Sir Pig, huh?" Hawk said, confused. "That attack was incredible!" Arthur complimented, making Meliodas chuckle.

"It wasn't really my attack, though." Meliodas said and took up Lostvayne. "More like Lostvayne's special ability." "I know, you said so earlier." Arthur said. "But it's still very impressive."

A thundering sound could be heard in the distance suddenly. They looked towards the gate where the gigantic corpse stood. It hadn't moved an inch. So what made that sound? Then Y/n could feel an ominous aura coming closer.

"Is that thunder?" Slader asked. "I don't see any rain clouds..." Elizabeth said. Suddenly something landed on a hill that destroyed the ground and made dirt and rocks fly everywhere around it. Then it shot towards Camelot and landed right in front of them with such a huge amount of power that it made all of them fly back and destroyed multiple buildings.

Y/n held Elizabeth to make sure she wouldn't fly away in the strong amount of power. Y/n tried to look through all the dirt to try and see who it was, sultry one of the Ten Commandments. A laugh could be heard from the smoke and Y/n could already tell who it was, just by that.

"Seventy-two steps, huh?" Galand said. "Captain, is this..." Diane said in fear. "No way! It can't be!" The smoke disappeared and it was easy to see Galand now. In his classic read arbor and weapon that was almost like a strange type of ax and spear on the other sides. "I thought it would only take me 70 steps to come out here." He said. "But I suppose I'm out of practice after 3,000 years!" "You're Galand... if the Ten Commandments!" Meliodas said and held out his sword as he stood in front of Y/n and Elizabeth.

"It's been a while, Meliodas." Galand said and slowly started to approach. "And I can see you still keep sweet Y/n around. I suspected it was you. To think, after all this time you two still look the same."

"But how... how can an evil monster like this even exist in the world?" Diane asked in horror. "Merlin." Hawk said. "I think my Magical Eye must be broken." "Why is that?" Merlin asked. "It's just that... this can't be right." Hawk said. "A Power Level of 26 000?" "A Power Level of 26 000?" A knight asked in fear. "I... I can't stop shaking!" Another said. "We must evacuate the townspeople!"

"A demon sealed away for 3 000 years, Galand of the Ten Commandments." Slader said. "Galand wasn't too far away now but he stood still now, back straight and a green glowing eye looking down at them. "His Power Level may be more than we imagined, but something about this seems odd." Merlin said. "Hey, Hawk, what's his magical power?" "Hmm? I don't know. Let's see." Hawk said. "Looks like... zero?! What's going on here?"

"He isn't fully recovered from the goddess' seal, that's what's going on." Y/n said. "Clever girl." Galand said. "All right." Diane said with her fists up. "That means now's our only chance to attack."

"So, this is where the Humans nest." Galand said and stroked the horn on his chin. "Seems there have been quite a few changes over the last 3 000 years. But as usual, they're all clumped together. I suppose some habits never change. It's too cramped."

Galand made a slag with his weapon and blood curdling screams could be heard as he destroyed multiple buildings and killed multiple people in one fell swoop.

Arthur looked in horror, pupils small and his entire body shivering. "T-the city is..." he said, voice quivering. Half of Camelot where gone, now just bare dirt ground. Galand exhaled in joy. "That should make things a little roomier!" He said. "Now, where was I? Meliodas, I've been waiting for quite some time to fight you, one on one."

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