Chapter 6: Other Side of the Underside

Start from the beginning

Sky's eyes glazed over at the news reports that flashed across the telescreens. The wreckage and destruction of the Stock Docks and Embankments were blasted across every channel. Nearby, Gen held his head in his palm and massaged his temples. Both held a sense of unease deep within their stomach.

"There's no way that Zaius would have been tied into all of this, right?" Gen muttered, finally breaking the silence. "Please, Sky, tell me that he wasn't going to the Stock Docks."

The Uvari shuffled her feet under her slightly. Her partially cybernetic mind couldn't process a response quick enough or smart enough to fool Gen. Instead, she remained silent.

"Silence begets guilt, you know," her Ixr caretaker said with a heavy sigh. "Why didn't you tell me he was going to the Docks?"

"He said it would be quick and easy," Sky said, meeting Gen's glare. "He didn't want us to worry about anything."

Gen moved across his office and faced the wall.

"I'd believe it if Areshia hadn't shown up in my club V.I.P. area," He responded.

Sky shrank down a bit from the disappointment in Gen's voice. While not their biological dad, he had taken care of her and Zaius better than anyone else had in their lives. It was hard to deal with the idea that they had caused him any pain at all.

"I'm just worried about him," Gen said, still facing the wall. 

Sky had been around Gen long enough to know his sense of empathy was unlike any other Ixr. While the species as a whole was known for being headstrong and selfish, Gen had always strived to put others first. Even the Atometry was an effort to bring a sense of happiness to the denizens of the Underside. Where people across Atania were quick to bemoan and even hate the Ixr, no one ever had anything negative to say about Gen.

"I believe in Zaius," Sky stated with a slight smile. "He's always made it back to us."

"It's not him coming back that I'm worried about," Gen explained to her. "It's what he's going to be bringing back with him."

He turned to face Sky once again. Sprigs of his white hair had popped up like small antennae. His hand moved to push his glasses up his sharpened nose.

"I said before you two are all I have, and I meant it. The Atometry is our home and I'll do whatever it takes to defend it," Gen said. "Above all else, I need to make sure you two are safe. Areshia always gets what she wants. She owns the Underside."

Sky nodded in understanding. Areshia's reputation was known far and wide for a reason. The only real way to escape her would be to get off of Tovarro as quickly as possible.

'Gen knows that though,' she thought. 'Would he really be willing to abandon everything he's built for us?"

Gen slicked his hair back and gave Sky a soft look. She noticed the corner of his eyes start to water. He wiped them quickly and moved past her toward his desk at the room's other end.

"Whatever happened up at the Docks followed Zaius to the Embankments. It'll follow him here too," Gen said, reaching down and placing his plasma rifle on the desk. "We need to be prepared for anything, and I need to get you two as far away from here as possible."

Sky felt a knot build in her throat. It was one thing to think about them leaving and another entirely for Gen to speak the idea into existence. She sniffled slightly.

"I don't trust Areshia," Gen continued, "I've known her for too long. Watched her turn into the spiteful creature that she is. I won't let her get to you."

Gen's hand slipped under his desk and tapped three times. The movement was so quick and subtle that Sky barely noticed it. She could tell Gen's body was tense.

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