December 23, 2023: Where did I go?

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Hi. It's been a couple of months since I wrote in here. I just...sort of got really depressed because I wasn't being treated well by others, as I alluded to in my previous update.

I'm feeling better now, mostly because I've removed myself from social media entirely (Discord included). I've been feeling a lot better than I have in a long time. I don't get as anxious or sad, and I've been able to really take care of myself. Not just physically, but emotionally, which I needed.

I've also been exploring my interests more (aside from mythic stuff). I figured out a subliminal playlist formula that's super effective, even if it's just one or two listens. And no, I'm not using them for mythic stuff. Partially because subliminals do not change your body for you, but also partially because the subliminals out there don't have what I'm looking for in terms of mythic stuff. I'll get to the formula in a bit.

I've been starting to meditate more as well and it's been helping me a lot. I've been using Aaron Doughty's methods for raising vibration and I feel a lot healthier becase of it. My heart chakra has started to open for the first time in...7 years I think? It's really nice. I've also been healing my creative energy, which has been nice because I've actually been creating things again and enjoying it. I've been really interested in subjects such as Law of Assumption and Alchemy and Physics, which are all closely intertwined if you think about it. How? Well, they each use the concept that everything is energy. Sure they use it in varying ways but they all rely on it as a force behind everything. And when we're talking about energy and its use, it makes sense that these things should be a lot more closely intertwined than we think.

I want to talk about a revelation I've had during my space away from here, but before I do that I will briefly go over the playlist formula I use when listening to subliminals. I break them up into sections divided by topic, so one section could be about singing, for example, and the other could be to lose weight. First I will choose a song (like, an actual song, not a subliminal with music in it) that makes me feel or think about the topic I want. Then after that I put a subliminal or two (you don't need a lot! Just make sure they're effective ones - e.g. they have been reliable for other people consistently) in there, and then afterwards I put in affirmations about the topic that I want, so it really gets my mind thinking about the topic. This is a much more effective way for me to listen to subliminals than I used to (which was basically just listen to subliminals for hours and say "hope this works").

Anyway, my time away has also given me space to think about my identity as a mythical. The last time I was on here, I had a bit of confusion as to myself and my mythic form. I've definitely always had wings, but to call myself an avian felt...limiting. And not because I would have to go AWOL. It felt...not right. Spiritually, I mean. People, when finding your mythic type, often say that you will know your mythic type by feeling the call you have. The call being to either land, water, or sky. This is where it got confusing for me, as I fluctuated between all three, each pull equally as strong. Having this time alone has made it easier to figure out, but when I figured it out, I felt...scared? Not because I don't love my mythic self, but because there is no information for the shifting/permamorphing process for it. So I'm having to create my own. I'm basically jumping into this blind, and I'm scared because I have no guidelines to follow. But I want this, so I'm going to try.

I'm a fae.

This explains the call to all three aspects, as fae are spirits of nature in its entirety, not just one part of a whole. But I guess one good thing about having no guidelines to follow is that I can be patient and take as long as I need to succeed.

Now, I've come up with a few ideas of how to shift into a fae. Technically, you could permamorph wings instead and call it a day, but I have more than just wings that I am working on. Plus, I like the anonymity. I'll probably make a different entry to explain the process that I've come up with.

That's all!

Being fae and not avian I don't feel like my old signature really fits me anymore, so I'm going to be changing it here.


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