October 11-13, 2023 | Brainstorming

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I feel like Izuku Midoriya. And by that, I mean filling a notebook with all sorts of thoughts and brainstorming about where I'm going to live, survival notes, how to become untraceable, etc. My main concern is money, I guess? I mean, right now I've got a full-time job, which is fine, I earn decent money. But I'm not happy here. My ideal plan is to rent a place up north like a cabin where I can live in privacy while I'm in my transitional period of growing wings. I also want to be able to buy things such as food, clothes, and toiletries.

- 2 days later (October 13) -

Okay I think I kinda figured out something? At least a way to make myself a little more anonymous when buying things? Well...crypto. And I know what you're thinking: "how can you buy stuff with crypto? That's not even real money!"
Well...yes and no. It's not fiat currency, which is the tangible sort of money that people use like the US dollar, the Euro, the Japanese Yen, etc. It is still a currency, but more of a digital kind. But the world generally just accepts fiat, which is where crypto credit/debit cards come in. They work the same way that a normal credit or debit card would be used, except when you enter your card info the crypto that you have on there will automatically be converted to fiat, allowing you to use crypto to pay for things online or even in a store. Obviously I won't be going into a store in the long term, but the online shopping aspect is really nice.

"But how are you going to get things you order? People will see you!"

Yeah, that's something I'm still working out. My idea is to use a digital address and have my mail forwarded from there. The issue obviously is if I forward my stuff I have to give away my location, which is...not great. The idea that I have is that I can hopefully have a trusted contact or two that I can send my stuff to. That way I can still be anonymous. I'm thinking also that I could put an alias of mine to mail to, so I have less of a chance of being recognized. The only thing is when I am ordering a new bank or crypto card I might have to put my name on it.

It's possible that I can get a card for myself under a business name. That way I don't have to be personally identified.

The pieces are slowly coming together.

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