October 8th, 2023 | I'm Beginning my Journey.

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Growing wings - and flying, of course - is something that I've always wanted, ever since I was little. I would fantasize about flying off for hours at a time, and if there was a particularly bad windstorm going on I wanted nothing more than to stand in the middle of it, not understanding why everyone would stare at me like I had three heads when I asked to go outside. (To be honest, I still don't.) But oh well. They can live their lives how they want to; this is how I choose to live mine.

Speaking as an adult now, I never stopped believing that something like this was possible, and when I came across the possibility of biokinesis and growing wings, I was nothing short of enthralled. It was like I'd been given the key to something that had been pulling at my heart for the longest time. I didn't act on it right away, though. I told myself that I wanted to wait until my circumstances became more ideal for growing wings, but as I have grown the opposite has happened, and my circumstances became more of a form of imprisonment, even if my chains aren't visible to the common observer. I realize now that if I do not take action now, I may never see that freedom that I've been craving for so long. So, this is me taking those steps towards the future of my own terms.

Right now I'm doing mainly research. I'm mostly thinking about a soaring style wing type with a tail to help steer. The things I'm thinking about as well are where I'm going to live, and what clothes I'm going to wear. I have to modify clothes in such a way where I can wear my shirts while still allowing my wings to come through, especially when I go north, where the winters can be brutal. I plan on growing extra feathers on my back, shoulders, and legs, for this reason, so that will help hopefully. The next thing that I need to do is research the bone density, muscle and fat ratios in different birds so that I can figure out how I need to modify my own body for flight. I'm not going to rush through this; I want this to be done correctly, so if researching takes a while, that's okay with me. Anyway, I'm getting a bit tired and I have work in the morning, so I'm signing off for now.


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