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Tom watched the other Slytherins carefully. He knew that allowed Draco to sit aside him was a sudden change in hierarchy that had not been anticipated. As he had learned over the years, when humans had things that shocked them they tended to react in rather interesting ways. The glances that the rest of the Slytherins were subtly taking at the core four of them were clear enough that they had noticed something awry, though Tom would feel rather miffed if they had not. After all, he was the one that they looked to, and he was the one that led them, though he tended to favor Abraxas and Orion, perhaps a bit too much when he thought about it. Then again, both Abraxas and Orion were the most powerful people in the Slytherin house besides himself, so it was only natural that he attempt to assert the most dominance over and attention on those two.

What interested, and did not surprise, him was Abraxas' own reaction to being demoted to the second on his left. Abraxas was clearly upset, Tom could tell it was so in the boy's icy blue eyes. Then again, he was shocked that Abraxas had not considered this demotion already. Was it not clear enough to him that Tom was more invested in Draco? It would seem that Abraxas held onto some delusions, which I failed to perceive. Either way, this could cause some issues. I need Draco to fully sumberge himself in the Malfoy family, and though it is clear that he has every intention of doing so, Abraxas holding some grudges could cause trouble. I shall have to investigate this matter...though where I should start is of some debate. He knew that normally Slytherins were quite astitute, though it was not in their nature to give up information for nothing. Tom would have to first attempt to figure out who would have the best information that was within his clutches, and second how to get them to divulge whatever it was that they knew.

Normally Tom would just curse or hex the individual unti they did what he wanted. It was through some learning and trial and error however, that he became aware that fear and threats did not work for this type of thing. Information was critical that it be undisrupted, and as clear and to the original memory as possible. Not only does both fear and pain cause problems in terms of clarity, as Draco's hazy memories that Tom would get at times were obvious enough evidence, but it certainly did nothing to endear them to Tom, and he had a reputation to upkeep. Even if he did not, the fact remains certain people are best not made enemies of, especially when they know your real name.

Orion was tense besides Tom, likely feeling his dark musings, and Draco was presenting himself quite well considering the tense atmosphere. Casting his memories backwards he had to admit that Draco seemed to do quite well keeping his composure in tense situations, so this was not necessarily a shock. Draco's ability to hold himself steady in tense situations was likely due to the fact that Draco was used to these sorts of situations, and therefore found himself more at ease in them. This of course meant that he was less steady in calm situations, but Tom could handle that himself, and he was surprised that Draco was able to deal with tense situations with as much composure has he had already. The only time that Tom had seen him truly falter was with the Malfoy patriarch, which was understandable. Not many could handle Mr. Malfoy on their own, let alone with his sole attention on them. The man was increadibly powerful, and very influential. Pissing him off was akin to magical social suicide. He was simply happy that the man had not really questioned Tom's presence with his son as much as he normally would have, considering Tom made great pains to stay off the other's radar.

Something which was not capable now. The man had asked over him this summer, which was definitely not going to do him any favors. so his time of anonymity was over, unfortunately.

"Tom, what do you intend to do about Abraxas?" Orion questioned, barely audible over the babble of the other tables, and the soft whispers along their own. The question was uttered neatly as Orion leaned over to take a plate of food from the table, leaving Abraxas none the wiser. It would seem that Orion did not want Abraxas to know that they were talking about him. Not that it would do anything to Tom's concious. He did not really care.

"Whatever could you mean?" Tom questioned, deciding to play stupid, leaving his head tilted to the side slightly, as he reached over, draping his left arm across Draco's shoulders, the other stiffening slightly, before returning to toying with the food on his plate.

"He is not going to be happy that you've effectively turned your attentions to his rival, I am sure you know this." Tom could not help the roll of his eyes. Tedious, of course. I should have contemplated the long term results of toying with Abraxas. Unfortunately he had not expected another interesting human for him to set his sights on. If Draco had not come along, Tom would have likely continued his plans regarding the elder Malfoy. Alas, Draco had, and Tom has no intentions on fully toying with Abraxas anymore.

Not that I would ever do what I plan for Draco with Abraxas. I can't totally ice Abraxas out, but I was never going to have a relationship with him, I would have thought that to be obvious. It would seem, however, that it was definitely not obvious for Abraxas, considering the other was giving Draco the darkest look filled with jealousy that Tom had seen Malfoy produce. The least he could do is keep it off of his face, but it would seem as though Tom may have accidently led the other boy on. Not that he gave a shit normally, but now it would definitely cause some problems, and Tom would have to figure some way to smooth it over.

"Not sure yet." Tom stated, letting his nails rake down Draco's arm, ignoring the slight wince that it produced. He can handle such miniscule pain. He thought dismissively, but even still he allowed the papds of his fingers to smooth down the same line he had viciously dug into. No need to get enemies too quickly, and Draco's inability to comprehend anything other than disappointment or pain would be helpful in this case. "Figure out what exactly it is that has the Malfoy heir so discontent with his current position, and then I can figure something out...clear?" Tom questioned, without even taking his eyes off of his plate.

"Yes, clear." Orion wordlessly pushed his plate to the side, and Tom glanced towards Draco's own, making a note that it was still full as the plate disappeared along with the other dishes. Dessert appeared moments later, and Tom knew that their time in public was coming to an end. He really needed to figure out what he was going to say to the other Slytherins. If anything. He thought to himself. After all, it was not as though they needed to know his plans. In fact, it may be better if they did not. He would have to talk to Abraxas seperately, but he would wait for Orion to speak with the teenager. After all, Orion was Malfoy's closest confident, and if Malfoy refused to tell even him, Tom would have to figure something else out. Of course a swift scolding would easily do the trick, but he did not want to terrify Draco-who was already on edge being at Hogwarts-and all scoldings by Tom were done in public. It would raise suspicion for that to suddenly change.

With that, Tom ended the conversation with Orion, letting himself lean into Draco, his lips scraping the skin of the boy's ear. "Come with me when we are done," He said softly, leaving Draco to tense up, before forcibly relaxing himself. Such habits, not good ones but ones that were expected considering his past experiences. From what little Tom had managed to gather they were not overly pleasant, and that was just what he knew, there was so much more that he did not know. He doubted the experiences got any better.

Dessert was a boring affair. it was always less than half the time as the dinner was, and that time was coming to a close. Draco's clearly unhealthy eating habits will have to be addressed at a later date. It could be just a one time thing, after all, though I doubt it. It was easy enough to pass off at the Orphanage, there is not enough food to go around on a regular year, let alone with war rations on top of that. We barely stayed at the Malfoy's for a week or two, and even then that was easy enough to pass off too. Draco would not want to be seen as a glutton, but at Hogwarts? This lack of eating a decent plate of food is getting concerning. It was something Tom was almost certain he could handle without confronting Draco about it, though, and so he did not really see the need to speak up on it. If his plans to beguile Draco into eating more did not work, then he would take a more direct approach, for now that was not a good idea. Draco was firmly in his palm, but not that firmly.

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