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Draco had no idea why it was that he just followed Grindelwald without demanding more answers...or Perhaps he did, because he was almost dead sure that if this Dark Lord was anything like his Dark Lord...asking questions was going to be detrimental to his physical and mental well being, and it was better to just obey and not question anything that one was told to do. Which, okay, he understood, to some extent, but did they really have to go wandering around a mansion trying to find this person that Grindelwald wanted him to meet so bad? He was not entirely sure he cared for that all that much.

"I have to admit, I did not see you coming." Grindelwald said simply. Draco stared at him. They had paused before a door that Draco was almost dead sure held the person that he was supposed to be meeting, but he had not knocked on it yet, nor had he even shown any sign that he was intending to do so, which really made him more unnerved than anything. See me coming? Draco thought, staring right back at the Dark Lord, questioning in his gaze not saying anything regarding his confusion. He thought things through as he usually did but upon doing so he had no idea what Grindelwald could mean, unless he was a Seer, but those were so incredibly rare, and beyond being rare, they were hardly the most accurate. If he was, that would make why it was so complicated for Dumbledore to defeat him make a bit more sense, though, so it was not as though he could totally throw out the possibility.

"Ah, well, neither did I, so I suppose that makes two of us." Draco stated instead of asking further questions and demanding more explanation. At the end of the day, he figured if Grindelwald would say what he meant, it may aid him, but it certainly was not going to be because Draco pushed for more information. That was just...unwise, at the best of time, particularly since he was not entirely sure how often Grindelwald tended to lose his temper, nor what it was like when he did. "I do apologize if my showing up has inconvenienced you, in some way, though," He added one, deciding it best to cover all of his basis if possible. The amused smirk told him he had, in fact, made the right call.

"Yes, well, on the bright side, you are with us now, rather than wandering who knows where. It was quite the forestry that you ended up in." Grindelwald stated with a small laugh. Draco gave a tight smile, but otherwise did not really know how to respond to the situation. How does one ever respond to something like that? The whole atmosphere was rather tense, but either Grindelwald did not notice, or he did not give way to the tension, merely moving past Draco to rap on the door, the knocks steady, sure, and loud as all hell in the echoing corridor. Draco's ears were ringing by the end of his knocking.

The door was opened almost immediately, a boy, Draco would hazard to guess about his age, although honestly he was likely a year or two older than him, opened the door with wide eyes and heaving breaths. Just barely managing to recoil, Draco turned to glance towards Grindelwald who gave him a smile and a slight shove forwards. Turning back to the boy, Draco did not know what to say, or even what to do. The only thing crossing his mind was that this boy's magic felt rotten. He is going to die soon. The thought crossed his mind, and then he realized just what the rotten magic feeling was. Death. The boy was dying, his magic was killing him from the inside out, and he would hazard to guess that Grindelwald knew full well, there was no way that he had no clue. It just made the situation all the more tragic, and Draco did not know what he should do with this information.

Should he tell the boy? Or should he keep it secret? Morally, he should tell the boy whose death was not a matter of if, but when. He was likely going to die within the next few months. However, he also knew that it was folly to do so. Sure, it was the right thing to do, but Draco had never been known for doing the right thing, he had been known for doing the thing that was not going to get himself, or someone he knew and cared for killed, which meant he shut his lips. As much as he knew this boy was dying, he had no idea if Grindelwald was aware, and telling the kid was akin to suicide if Grindelwald did know and was keeping that information hushed for whatever reason.

"This, my dear, is Credence. He is one of my few recruits that are your age." Draco gave a smile towards the boy, but he had really no idea what to do, or say. So he said nothing, but that really just made for an awkward meeting. Draco, not inclined to speak first, especially now that he had shown no intention of doing so in the first place and to speak now was to give in and show himself weaker, merely leaned against the doorway, folding his arms across his chest and staring at the other.

"Oh, it is nice to meet you." The other stated, words slightly stuttered out, and Draco clasped the hand with his own.

"Likewise." He did not give his name, and the other did not push him to either. "I presume you have been within this group for a while, yes?" Draco questioned, but it was not really a question, and Credence merely nodded.

"Almost a year, now."

"I see,"

"Credence, this is Draco, I am sure you recognize him." The other nodded slowly. "Very well, he is staying here, for a little while, at least another few days, whilst I attempt to find a place for him to stay back in England. I was hoping perhaps you could talk to him, or take some time to show him around."

"Of course," Credence stated simply, and Grindelwald smiled.

"Thank you." 

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