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The boy merely shrugged, pulling his body away from him once more, leaving Draco somewhat shell shocked, and a bit unsettled. A shrug, punctuated with a slight smile was all Draco needed to feel even further ill at ease. I really should have chosen a different Orphanage. At least then I would not have to deal with this unsettling human. Perhaps the others were right in warning me away from this place. Still, Draco knew he would have chosen it anyways. If not for the idle curiosity, sheer rebellion at being told no, or the location, all three in one was merely an offer far too enticing to pass up. He was, for once, unsure of how to navigate this. Even when he had been abruptly sent several decades into the past he still managed to hold his wits about him, but for some reason this was just different. It was too familiar, and yet not familiar at all. Draco's mind was spiraling, and his magic felt raw under his skin.

"I was just...wondering what you would do." The other stated, leaving Draco gritting his teeth, but not responding to the clear provication. He could not allow himself to answer to such things with that blasted wizard downstairs. It would definitely do him no good to be sent out whilst the wizard was still here. If he was going to be thrown out of the Orphanage for fighting and left to fend for himself on the streets of Muggle London, he would prefer to do it without the watch of potential traitor wizards watching his every move. He had some level of pride and dignity, despite everything that had happened. "By the way...How did you land up here?"

"I got thrown here, more or less." Draco huffed, rolling his eyes, and curving his back into the wall, leaning against it gracefully. "I suppose one could say it is merely my own brand of bad luck. Either way, it doesn't really matter, does it? What matters is that I am stuck here, until things change, which I don't see happening anytime soon. As such, I don't see the point in dwelling on the past." He reluctantly admitted, though it seemed almost ironic really. Considering here he was...in the past...and what was he going to do? He was stuck here for who knew how long, and he was not even really sure how he got to this time in the first place.

"Wise words," The boy nodded sagely. It left Draco feeling a sliver of unease. Something about the tone of the boy just didn't fit with the words. As though he was supposed to be complimenting, but did not really quite know how, or care enough to do so. It shouldn't really bother him, considering he had many other things to worry about, like how his magic was just barely under control, and how he was stuck in the first wizarding world war, which was definitely not something he relished. Stuck in another war, doing work for yet another dark lord. THere was just something distinctly not very dark about the current dark lord in comparison to his dark lord, but that was a moot point in the first place.

"Thank you?" Draco questioned, not really wanting to speak more to the boy. He turned and brushed past the boy to clamber up to the top bunk, since the other was clearly occupying the bottom one, and curled his boy around the blanket before shoving it over his head in an attempt to drown out...well everything. He did not want to deal with any of this. He was currently just wishing that he was back in his own time. At least then he kind of knew...things. Now, he was completely out of his depths and he did not even want to comprehend the complications of what was going to happen when he got to Hogwarts...oh the horrors of what people were going to do.

Were they could to send some representative like they did with muggle raised first years to him? A Malfoy? He did not really know. What was his Grandfather going to do to him when he realized there was another Malfoy running around?

The thought caused Draco to bolt upwards, his magic flooding the room in a panic spun spiral as he felt his lungs collapse in on themselves. He felt his breathing short circuit and his eyes blurr his vision out. Anxiously, he stumbled from the bed and was stopped from rushing out the door by a firm grasp on his forearm which yanked him backwards. Draco shoved the person away from him, his magic flaring around the room causing the window shutters to rattle and the blankets to fold over themselves. This person seemed immune to that, though, and merely held him down on the floor. "If you go out now the Matron will just catch you and we will all get into trouble." He hissed into his ear. Draco felt his body freeze as the words echoed across his lips. "And calm yourself. Your magic is spiraling out of control. You will gain attention we do not need, and I do not want." He felt himself shiver but slowly his magic died away. He stared up at the orphan boy, worry spreading through him.

"It isn't like that is much my fault!" Draco muttered.

"Oh?" the other scoffed. "Point is, we already have enough muttering going on about my being a magic user, add one more...needless to say we have some religion fanatics among the nuns." Draco did not even want to know what that meant, but judging by the dark look on this Tom Riddle's face, he doubted that it was anything good. 

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