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Ignoring the worry that began to curl through his stomach, Draco wordlessly allowed the Goblin to take a small vial of his blood. It would not take long, a few whispered bits of Goblin magic, combined with some magic from his Great-Grandfather and the trial would be finished. It never truly took that long, and Draco knew that this were merely a formality. The Malfoy Wards did not simply allow anyone through their gates, and unless his great grandfather was willing to admit that their wards were beginning to diminish, which he doubted, they all knew full well what he was. This was just...Draco did not know, insurance of a sort perhaps? He did know that it was the same step that he would have taken had he been in the same position. It would be easier to break the news to the Wizarding World if they knew what level to the Heirship that Draco was bound to be as well.

That was something Draco was rather unsure of. He had no idea if his status would be changed now. He supposed since Magic was the one who decided to just rip him into this damned world with no carae or regard for his own thoughts about the situation, than Magic should fix that too. It was too obvious he was a Malfoy, but this time period had their own Heirs. Would Draco just be added to that, or...what exactly? He was not sure, but nothing would stop his bloodline being what it was. His blood was something no magic could change, not completely at least. It was something the Blacks had confirmed when toying with blood magic. Of course, this was generally considered quite dangerous and the effects that toying with such magic had still was rife through their descendents today. Though the Blacks were not known for just toying with blood magic of course. They also were known for messing with Rune magic, but it was the blood magic that made them famous. Mostly because of how they went about it, and they were actually the major reason it was outlawed, but also a good reason why people know not to mess with it. This was strange magic, though, and Draco had no idea if this had ever been done before, but if so, it had certainly never been documented. Either that or they were decreed insane. It took quite a bit to be decreed insane, particularly if one had enough money and influence. However, this was a rather unprecedented situation. Draco was certain none would believe him if he were to say that he had gone back in time. Furthermore, they did not have the same influence which meant that they could easily be considered insane.

"Mr. Malfoy, if you could please," Draco was jolted out of his reverie and thoughts as the Goblin spoke to his great grandfather, ushering him to say the magic that would finish the ceremony. Really, Draco just hoped this could tie up things rather...nicely, but he had a feeling this would merely complicate matters further. He had been hoping he could avoid meeting his grandfather until at least Hogwarts, that way he could have a bit more time to try and figure out something that did not seem so outrageous, although the demand to do a blood test would inevitably get demanded, which meant that he would have had to figure out a way to do it himself to even see what the results would bring out...so perhaps this was the better way to go about things, but Draco still felt nervous.

The magic slowly formed and Draco, unable to quite make himself look, merely glanced around the room, trying to avoid looking for all that he could as though he were nervous. IT was far easier said than done, because he was nervous. Quite so, and it was rather difficult to pretend that he was perfectly fine when he was not. Even more so now than it had been before. Had he gone back in time before Voldermort was even an issue, many of his mannerisms would have been different, but he had not, and now he was stuck dealing with what that meant. He supposed the best that he could hope for was some sort of way to handle these obviously trauma related symptoms...somehow he doubted it though.

It would be folly to even hope for such a thing, to some extent. Draco knew full well that they were in the middle of war, and even when/if this war ends the next is upcoming in its own way. First Grindelwald, and then right when Grindelwald was even partially dealt with, there was still Voldermort to contend with, though from what Draco had managed to gather, Voldermort before he returned in a new body was so much more dangerous than when he had come back. A rather distressing notion, if he was entirely honest.

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