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Draco felt a scream being ripped through his throat as he felt a tug of something jolt through him. He could not tell if he was actually screaming, or if he felt as though he was screaming in his head, still. It was cold, and yet icy hot at the same time somehow. The feeling of icy flames cascading down his body and through his veins in intervals of unbearable heat and icy cold. A cry was ripped from his throat until he was not entirely sure that he would be able to speak, pain flooding through every fiber of his body. It felt almost as bad as a Cruciatus curse, but somehow it was both better and worse than the unforgiveable. He felt himself fall, and wondered...distantly beyond the pain...why did it feel as though he was falling? He had no reason to fall, he had been laying on the floor of the Malfoy library not moments ago...or had it been the Room of Requirement? Oh, yes, it had been the...well to be honest he could not really even think anymore, but nevertheless he had been on the floor...hence the point. He could not quite think beyond that as his body shut itself down in an attempt to protect what little energy he managed to conserve, his body shutting him out, eyes fading from sight.

When he came to, it was definitely not in a room of books and shelves anymore. He felt water soaking through the fabric of his slacks and robes. He could feel the cold air on his skin, which was even more concerning. He groaned, body aching horribly as he moved. The wetness of the general atmosphere definitely did not help matters. He felt the spongy ground beneath his knees and whined in frustration. Talk about misfortune. His body was almost entirely depleted, he could feel the magical exhaustion wanting to tug him under into oblivion, but Draco was no idiot. He had no idea where he was, other than that he was no longer in the Room of Requirement, now that he remembered what it was that he had been in before he felt a bit more comfortable, and considering he had been loosing time lately, it was dangerous for him to not at least try and figure out where he was. If he landed in some Muggle town he would be screwed.

He reluctantly pulled himself up, breaking his eyes open to peer about the place he had landed...somehow. It was wet, for sure, and green. Very green, but also hilly, and it was quite clear that he honestly could be anywhere with a forest that was wet and hilly, which really did not help him narrow down his location considering that included...everywhere in northern Europe. He flopped to the ground, frustration bubbling through him. If he could not figure out where he was, how was he supposed to handle the fallout? Or get back to Hogwarts...or anything, really. There was way too much to be done. He had to figure out how he was supposed to fulfill his task...his...his task. The impossible one that the Dark Lord had given him.

Draco couldn't help himself, and in a moment of extreme lack of decorum, he curled himself on his knees, grabbed his hair, and screamed. It was loud, piercing, and full of anger and frustration, mixed with a sense of helplessness. Something he definitely felt at the moment. How am I supposed to kill Dumbledore? Obviously I know he needs to test my loyalty, and of course this just so happened to be a good little mix of punishments and loyalty tests, but...How could He even ask me to attempt such a feat? Why...Why...Draco shook his head, it was useless wondering why he had been chosen, what use it would have, honestly he did not know and he did not care. He had a job to do, or well, to try and do. Or, well, he had, but he was now definitely not anywhere close to Hogwarts, and he had no idea where he was, and much less how he even managed to get herein the first place.

His breathing was now heavy, well, heavier than it had been before, but his mind was a little bit clearer at the least. He reached desperately and was able to breathe a little bit, knowing he had his wand with him. Closing his eyes he tried to assess what was going on, and what more he could do about the situation, but was abruptly stopped by a stream of light cast towards him. Draco, in haste, threw a protego around him. His breathing was beginning to slow, his eyes wide as he turned towards where the curse had been fired from. Merlin, Draco cursed mentally as he saw a rather...depressing sight.

At least three different wizards, only one of which looked to be around his age, were aiming wands at him. He mentally cursed again, this was bad. This was really very bad. He slowly moved to his feet, stumbling only a little bit, which was more than what he figured would happen considering just how exhausted his body was from this jaunt to...wherever it was that he had ended up. He dodged yet another curse and scrambled away, rushing through the underbrush, dodging curses as he rushed away. He could not keep running, though, it was a good tactic but only when one had a chance of actually escaping, and unfortunately he did not have a chance of escape, so he was sort of fucked on that end.

He turned, aiming for higher ground. He may not be able to do much, and he knew that the odds were quite stacked against him, but if he could find a place higher up than his assailants he may managed to get himself out of this situation...somewhat alive. Hopefully. Though Draco had some doubts on the likelihood of that if the dark and grim expressions in those wizards and witch's face were any indication. He rushed forwards, hastily climbing up to the top on an rocky siding, knowing that this was about as good as he was going to get. Pulling his body behind one of the trees and rocks to protect himself...rather minimally but somewhat nonetheless, he took a few steadying breaths. Closing his eyes he let a sense of calm wash through him. He was a fifteen year old Malfoy, he could do this...maybe. Sort of. Although technically he was not quite fifteen yet. So fourteen, but almost fifteen...And in a place that was unexpected, facing against at least three other magics, and on top of that dealing with magical exhaustion from whatever in merlin's name it was that dragged me here, but sure...lets try and even odds out a bit.

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