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"We don't have many rooms." The girl was stating. Girl, adult, she looked like a teenager, but really Draco could not be sure. He could not be sure of anything, and as it was he did not care enough to ask her to double check either. He could have...it would do well for future alliances among Muggles, but he did not have the energy to truly forge a fake friendship with this person, and he did not really want to associate with muggles as much as he was able to avoid it. It was bad enough he had an almost suicidal mission to spy on Dumbledore and find out who supports him and who doesn't so that Grindelwald can fuck with families. Honestly, it was a bit cold, but considering the situation...and considering how kind Grindelwald had been to him, whereas Dumbledore had always been a bit of an asshole, Draco could not really find it in himself to be upset with himself. He did not particularly care who won the war between Dumbledore and Grindelwald. Granted, he could admit, he was being slightly selfish, but what else was there? He despised Dumbledore, and it would become obvious probably rather quickly, should they come in contact, which considering the other was apparently a teacher he knew was going to happen sooner...rather than later. "There is only one available. I truly swear only one, just...you don't have to stay rooming with them, of course, the moment another bed opens up we can have you switched over, but there simply isn't any others at the moment." Draco rolled his eyes.

He could not give a shit less. Not now. He did not have the energy to care. He was still reeling. Granted it had been a few days since the whole...drastic time switch thing going on, but he was still trying to assess what he should do about it. It was a rather difficult situation for him, and he did not really know what to do about it even now. He could try and play that he was not angry, and hurt, and horribly confused about everything but he was. Grindelwald had not been cruel to him, not been rude, he had not even been punished when his magic lashed out at him, something he had expected full force. It was hard for him to accept Dumbledore on the best of days, especially when the Dark Side was being uncharacteristically nice to him. He was used to a Dark Lord who murdered and tortured and razed hell with a smile with blood lined eyes and a borderline hysterical laugh that left shivers down Draco's very bones. He was not used to the calm, careful demeanor of Grindelwald. Sure, the Dark Lord could be like that too, or at least he had heard. From the whispers of the Death Eaters, Draco had grasped that the Dark Lord had been every bit as charismatic in his younger years, but he had changed...and Draco was not sure that he cared for the change.

"It is fine." Draco muttered out. The girl turned towards him, worry in her eyes as he said that.

"You are only saying that now. Just wait, you won't be saying that soon enough. You won't. Just wait."

Right...Of course. He got this to deal with too. He was not sure he cared all that much for girls who stuttered apologies that did not make sense. He may eventually come to realize her words were right, but she really shouldn't be swearing apologies before he even understood what was going on. It merely made normal people anxious. It was lucky enough that he was too apathetic at the moment to care. All his grief, and his sadness, and everything had just shut his brain down now, and he was not able to really...feel anything. Not now. Not at the moment. He was not sure really what was going on, but he was not going to argue or try and change it. It was useless anyways, considering he was not sure what was happening in the first place.

"Got it," He instead responded when it was obvious that she was waiting for one. His words were cold and clipped, and probably hurt the other's feelings, but Draco could not bring himself to care. She glared at him, probably due to his tone and rather lackluster words, but he really just...He did try, okay? He tried to muster up some sort of guilt, but it elluded him at the moment.

"Whatever," Was muttered under her breath as she probably rolled her eyes and shoved the door open. "Here." She spat at him, turning on her heel and walking off. Draco stared in that direction, entirely unimpressed. So emotional. More so than me...although perhaps I have been deluded into thinking I am overly emotional. I am nothing like Mother, or Auntie Bella. He thought to himself. He felt a hand on his shoulder yank him inside, the door being shoved closed as he was spun about and shoved forwards. Draco whirled around, his eyes narrowing dangerously, flinting as he did so.

"A newbie, it would seem." The voice came out cold, and chillingly familiar. Draco felt the familiar shudders down his spine as he made contact with the mystery person's dark brown eyes. "And they dared to room you with me?" Draco huffed a laugh, his shields slamming down once he felt the telltale feeling of contact with his mind.

"It would seem there was 'only one available'." Draco punctuated the words with a roll of his eyes, ignoring the other's somewhat confused looks as he continued to be unable to penetrate his mind. Whoever this person was his Legilimacy was incredibly advanced for his age. Draco could not help but be impressed by it. It was hard to master either art, but to manage it so easily so young? Draco was lucky he had been drilled by multiple tutors in Occlumecy, otherwise he would have had a rather pitiful defense. Granted, having no training and managing gasic shielding, as Draco had from quite a young age, was a fete beyond most wizards, but this boy was no basic legitimens. He did not have to make eye contact. Though Draco could tell, the power of the probe was much stronger with it. "So I don't think there were truly many choice regarding the matter. If you have such a horridly large issue with it, I would suggest throwing the Matron off the tower, considering apparently she feels it rather more important to flirt with idiotic old men than actually run a bloody children's home." The boy's eyes widened marginally, before settling in a rather off centered smile. Draco could not help but relax slightly at the sight of it, even though something about it seemed...wrong, though what it was he could not quite say.

"Yes, I have found that to be rather frustrating. None want her, unfortunately. She is old and drab, and runs around after children. Not the most enticing prey." Draco huffed a laugh at that. The other was right about that one. "You are quite an...interesting individual." The other stated softly. He slowly approached Draco, who stiffened as he did so, the distinct feeling that he was being analyzed by a predator flooding through him. He hated that feeling. It was rare enough that he got it as well. One never truly gets used to such looks, even if he had been put no the receiving end of it more often than not during the last year and a half, almost two years.

"I...suppose I should thank you..." Draco said, his words trailing off as the boy inhaled deeply behind him. It definitely freaked him out a little bit. He did not let that show merely staring blankly at the door.


"Ah, right, well, from what..." Draco was stopped once more as cold fingers toyed at the nape of his neck leaving him to flinch away. "What in Merlin's name are you doing?" He hissed, his eyes darkening in fury. The boy smirked, fingers pulling back and laying relaxed at his side. 

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