I ignored him, walking away while pointing my finger at him.

I walked away from the big red room and into the bar where everything was more quiet.

I didn't even know William that well, but all we did was sleep together and then fight. I didn't want him here, I wanted him gone.

I couldn't stand how he disrespected me. I can't stand how anybody does. Or maybe it's just my temper, people just annoy me.

I couldn't care less if the people around talked about me, whispered, gossiped just because I made a scene, sure, embarrassing right, but who cares? It will all be forgotten tomorrow.

I took another step in anger as my heels clicked against the wooden floor. Having my naked arms cross each others, feeling the silk from my red dress. Only focusing at the bartender.

I reached for the chair and sat myself down, I breathed heavily, trying to calm myself down.

Taking one last breath while I looked over at her.

Her eyes glimpsed when she saw me, smiling while she shook another drink.

"I'm gonna kill him!" I yelled.

Her smile grew when she heard me and gave a short laugh.

"Don't think that's necessary" she handed me a drink.

"He's losing all his money" I rolled my eyes while landing my hand on the drink.

"Do you even need his money?" She asked, leaning over the counter.

"No, but I thought he would be fun" I leaned the glass towards my mouth and sipped.

I placed the drink down on the table again, "I mean, I just want something exciting to happen you know? I want to play like my life depends on it." I looked at her.

"Right," she replied, grabbing the wet cloth and cleaning the counter.

Lydia was always there for me, that's what I liked about her. She was calm and knew how to act around me. She had her curly hair up in a ponytail with some strands sticking out peacefully on her face. Her lips light pink matching her tinted nails.

We had only known her for a year, still we knew each other so well.

I had calmed myself down for I know that she was there. I sat down admiring her but suddenly heard people getting quieter.

I didn't think much about it, but Lydia noticed something behind me and stood still.

I looked at her confused, but then looked behind me.

Watching as two black low cars pulling up right outside the building from the windows. Hearing the loud noise they made, being able to see the aggression just by looking at how they steered the car.

Watching as a tall slim man walk out from the low shining black car. His hair being tall and black, making him stand out. He was much taller than any other with his black leather boots. Watching as he looked around ruthless.
Now noticing the other guy walk out, also tall but a few centimetres shorter. Very unalike but at the same time they were so alike. Their faces matched but at the same time not. Seeing them walk by each other not saying a word. Feeling the presence of their power they held. The taller guy having his hands in his pockets and the other more freely. They pushed the glass door, now only standing a few meters away from me. They walked with no hesitation immediately towards the bar.

I sat down, looking at them coming nearer. They both looked like they owned the place, even though I'd never seen them here before.

They were now standing right in front of me, still not even acknowledging me. I waited for what they were going to do.

The taller guy was the one who was more near me, looked over at Lydia.

"Grab me one of those sweetheart." The guy pointed at my drink with his long slim fingers, not being able to see his eyes thru his sunglasses.

I leaned back on my chair.

I gave out a short laugh as I continued to look.

Lydia quickly gave him the same drink in an heartbeat and he gave her some money.

He took a sip and tilted his head while glancing over at me, but that didn't stop me.

"Keep staring honey." His lips slightly smiling while taking another sip.


Shades of your blood - Tom and Bill Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now