Unexpected visitor

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It has been a few days since Chernobyl last visited Sugary Yogurt Cookie. They were in their room and decided to go check on their father to see if he was okay. They left their room and walked out into the hall and to the throne room, but when they got there, they saw all of their siblings in the throne room with their father. They approached them and turned their attention to them.

Chernobyl Dragon Cookie: "Hey guys, what's going on?"

Tiger Snake Cookie: "Dad wanted to tell, as all he said its important or whatever."

Nuclear Meltdown Cookie: "That is correct. I have some to tell you. I thought it was time for all of you to know the truth about me and Frost Cookie."

Fluoroantimonic Acid Cookie: "What are you talking about?"

Nuclear Meltdown Cookie: "I'm talking about everything that happened recently. Chernobyl has already been hurt once, and I don't want the rest of you getting hurt, so I'm going to tell you about what happened at Cruxius."

Black Dragonfish Cookie: "Cruxius? isn't that the place where-"

Before they could finish their sentence, the throne room door burst open, and the legendaries Cotton and Sherbert came in.

Sea Fairy Cookie: "Nuclear Meltdown Cookie, we need to talk to you."

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "No, we don't. Chernobyl already told me everything I want to know. Let's just go."

Sea Fairy Cookie: "We want you to explain what Sugar's dad did to you that was so bad that you have the audacity to think that Sugar's evil." She said, ignoring Sugary Yogurt Cookie's pleas to leave.

Nuclear Meltdown Cookie: "How dare you? Who are you to come into my castel to demand things from me?"

Sea Fairy Cookie: "Who are you to call the person you abused, starved, and tortured for years evil?"

Nuclear Meltdown Cookie: "I was trying to protect my children."

Sea Fairy Cookie: "From what a half-starved, beaten-down child who was weaker than all of your children."

Nuclear Meltdown Cookie: "It was the only way to stop her from doing what her father did to me and my kingdom to my children."

Sea Fairy Cookie: "Well, we were taking care of her, so if what you're saying is true, then we need to know what you think she's going to do to them."

Sea Fairy and Nuclear Meltdown continued to argue when the throne room door opened again, but this time it was someone whom not many of them recognized. When Nuclear Meltdown saw him, their eyes widened in shock, and everyone stayed silent for a moment until sugary yogurt cookies jumped up on the stranger and gave him a hug.

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "Dad!" she said, excitedly wrapping her arms tightly around the man.

Buttermilk Cookie: "I can tell you've missed me; I've missed you too, sweetness." The man, now identified as the Ice Queen's father, hugged her back.

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