Frost Queens past part 4

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Timekeeper Cookie POV

I opened up a portal for me and the boys to go back in time to spy on the younger Frost Queen. I know we already have enough information, but I want to know more about her. I always felt like Frost Queen wasn't very fond of me for some reason, so I never got to know very much about her. Even the ones she's closest to don't know that much about her either. She has a lot of secrets that she's hiding, and I'm going to find out what they are, but one thing I especially want to know is how she got her new name, Frost Queen, just like most of us went by a different name before getting our powers, and I know that just like the rest of us, she didn't get her name from nowhere. Her current and past names seem a bit too different for me to believe that she just made it up. I feel like her new name has something to do with that Nuclear Waste Cookie and I feel like it's nothing good. As we come out of the portal, we see Frost Queen Cookie and another cookie that seems to be a dragon, but the dragon cookie looked strange; its walk was wobbly and Shakey looked like they were struggling. Their limbs looked unnaturally long for their body; some of them were even swollen. Their entire body looked twisted in a way I can't explain; it's almost like someone took their body apart and put them back together with different parts. They were disturbing-looking, and from the look Frost Queen was giving them, she thought the same. They were slowly approaching her as she backed away from them. They got closer and closer until they eventually backed her up against a wall. They smiled at her as she began to speak.

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "Leave me alone Chernobyl."

Chernobyl Dragon Cookie: "But why? I just want to play with you."

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "Well, I don't want to play with you now go away."

Chernobyl Dragon Cookie: "Dad said that you had to play with me or else."

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "Or else what?"

Chernobyl Dragon Cookie: "Or else dad is gonna let me rape you during dragon mating season."

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "That's not true; my mom won't let you do that to me."

Chernobyl Dragon Cookie: "Dad said if you tell her that he said that, he'll convince Mom that you're lying and will get you in trouble, so mom will be angry at you and not believe anything you say anymore."

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "Fine, I'll play with you." We heard her say sadly as the strange-looking dragon cookie dragged the frittered girl away. I was baffled by what the dragon had said; they barely looked old enough to understand what the words they said even meant. Later, we saw a nuclear meltdown.Cookie asked Chernobyl if he told Frost Queen what he told them to tell her, and if it worked, Chernobyl happily told their father about how what he said was true and that "pranking" her was so much fun. Then he asked his father what the word meant, and he told him that it was a word that cookies use to scare each other. What the hell was wrong with this guy? As we kept going, he did this and more with all of his children. He'd let them bully Frost Queen into doing whatever they wanted; they'd even get her in trouble just for fun. Chernobyl honestly seemed pretty clueless about what he was actually doing to her, but the younger ones were doing this way more purposefully and way worse, but of course Nuclear Meltdown Cookie was the worst of them all, and I didn't think that he could get any worse than he already was, but when Frost Queen got her new name, I knew that this guy was just plain evil. It all started with his second oldest going to him to request something.

Fluoroantimonic Acid Cookie: "Father, I have a request to make."

Nuclear Meltdown Cookie: "What is it, boy?"

Fluoroantimonic Acid Cookie: "I need a test subject for my experiments, one that can stay here. Trying to experiment with cookies on the outside is much too difficult and risky for us, so having one here should make it much easier to not be caught by the public."

Nuclear Meltdown Cookie: "I'll get back to you on it when I've found a suitable subject, but for now I would like you to continue your experiments on the cookies on the outside. You understand, boy?"

Fluoroantimonic Acid Cookie: "Yes, Father."

He started to walk away from his father, but before he left the room, he turned and said, "Also, can you ask that pest to change her name? It's annoying to say it every time I need her." then turned back and walked out, but when he did, Nuclear Meltdown got this look on his face like he realized something he hadn't before.

Elephant's Foot Cookie: "Should I send someone to find a test subject master?"

Nuclear Meltdown Cookie: "No, don't I have a much better idea. Why go find a test subject when we have the perfect one already here?"

Elephant's Foot Cookie: "What do you mean, master?"

Nuclear Meltdown Cookie: "I mean, Sugary Yogurt Cookie, what used to be her anyway."

Elephant's Foot Cookie: "Ah, smart move, master; she already stays here and is used to the conditions of the castle; she can finally be of use around here."

Nuclear Meltdown Cookie: "Not just that, but I'm also going to rename her; everyone knows if you name something, you own it, so if I rename, I get to claim ownership of one of the most precious things her father had in his life. I hope he's burning in hell watching his own child claim his greatest enemy."

We were shocked by what he said—he's basically keeping her as a slave just because he doesn't like her father. This makes no sense. Her father is already dead, and he got to marry Frost Queen's mother just like he wanted. Why would he continue to do this to her even after he got what he wanted? Frost Queen didn't deserve any of this; none of this needed to happen. No wonder why Frost Queen is eating all this food; she's getting comfort from it without it affecting her negativity. I open a portal for us to go back to comfort Frost Queen. I just hope she's doing okay.

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