Sibling bonding

22 0 0

Third person POV

It had been about a month since Chernobyl had seen Sugary Yogurt Cookie. They wanted to give her some time to cool down before they went to see her next. They knew how she felt and didn't want to bother them too much or upset them any further, so they decided to wait until now to go see her again. They have been trying to get information out of their father about why he didn't like Sugary Yogurt Cookie without making it too obvious, but nothing is getting through. They've been trying to find a method that could get their father to speak about it for a while, but for today, they just want to stop thinking about that and go see their sister. They decided to bring a gift for her this time to show her that they cared about her and maybe even try to make her a little bit happier about her current situation. They somehow successfully lied to their father about where they were going and got him to agree to let them leave the castle without the help of Black Dragonfish Cookie this time, and soon after they flew off to go check up on Sugary Yogurt Cookie. Chernobyl decided to bring a gift for his sister this time. They thought really hard about it and got her something that they thought she might really like. They couldn't wait to see her again, but they couldn't help but be worried about that kid who keeps threatening to beat them up. They have a feeling that she might decide to go through with it, but they decided to ignore it for now. After flying for a while, they finally reached the cookie kingdom. They started walking over to Sugary Yogurt Cookie's house, but before they got there, they were stopped by that kid again.

Cotton Cookie: "It's you again."

Chernobyl Dragon Cookie: Hi, scary sheep girl."

Cotton Cookie: "Did you find out what's going on with your dad yet?"

Chernobyl Dragon Cookie: "Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get anything out of him, but I wanted to come check on Sugar Yogurt to make sure she's doing all right. I also brought her a gift."

Cotton Cookie: "I still don't fully trust your motives, so I have my eyes on you."

Cotton Cookie slowly backs away into a bush, still watching Chernobyl intently. They're a little bit frightened, but they continue on to Sugary Yogurt's house. Once they get there, they go inside and go to the kitchen to see Sugary Yogurt on the floor, looking really upset, with Sea Fairy and Sherbet Cookie trying to comfort her and calm her down.

Chernobyl Dragon Cookie: "Hey Sugary Yogurt Cookie, are you okay?"

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "Not really something set me off, and I ate a whole bunch of stuff and threw up again."

Chernobyl Dragon Cookie: "I'm sorry that happened to you, but maybe this could make you feel a little bit better."

Chernobyl pulled out a small box that looked like an old necklace box. When Sugary Yogurt Cookie opened the box, there was a very beautiful necklace inside.

Chernobyl Dragon Cookie: "I didn't know if you were a jewelry person or not, but I found this necklace in the castle that belonged to Mom. I think it's a family heirloom or something, and I thought that maybe you might want it."

Sugar yogurt Cookie's eyes begin to water as she remembers the time when her mother promised her she would give her that exact necklace, but because of her mother's sudden death and everything that happened to her in the castle, she had forgotten all about it. She started to cry just thinking about her mother. She was the only one there for her when she was younger, and she loved her more than anyone else in the world. She knew that Chernobyl didn't know this, but even so, she knew that they weren't lying about caring about her, at least enough to give her something they knew had sentimental value not just for her but for both of them; after all, her mother was their mother too. Chernobyl and the others cared about her mother just as much as she did, but she knew that if one of the others had found it, they probably would have kept it or given it to their father, but Chernobyl didn't; they knew that she would want it and gave it to her even though they'd also probably want to keep it since it belonged to somebody so important to them, but they gave it to her, and just to see her happy words could not describe how grateful she was for them to give this to her. She was so happy that she felt like she wanted to throw up again, but she held it back to tell them how grateful she was for the gift.
Afterwards, they both decided to talk for a while, not really about anything specific but nonetheless, and had quite a nice time despite their history together. It seems like everything was going to be fine until someone started causing chaos around the kingdom.

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