Sugary Yogurt's fit

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Moonlight Cookie: "Sugary Yogurt, please come down and stop eating chalk."

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "NO." she says from on top of the fridge.

Fire Spirit Cookie: "Stop being diffident and come down now."

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "I SAID NO."

Moonlight Cookie: "Sugary Yogurt Cookie, you're going to get sick from eating that; come down."

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "I can't get sick; I'm dead."

Fire Spirit Cookie: "You've been getting sick for the past two weeks because you keep eating random stuff after we took all the food out of the house. You need to stop eating everything, come down, and clean up the mess you made." He points to the crayon drawings on the wall.

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "I don't wanna, and you can't make me." She says turning around and crossing her arms.

The two legendaries decided to go find Sea Fairy, hoping that she knew what to do about this. Ever since Sugary Yogurt Cookie got on house arrest she's been acting like this, and no one can explain why. The legendaries eventually find Sea Fairy talking with Timekeeper Cookie, Millennial Tree Cookie, and Wind Archer Cookie.

Moonlight Cookie: "Sea Fairy, we need your help. Sugary Yogurt Cookie is on top of the fridge and won't come down."

Sea Fairy Cookie: "again."

Fire Spirit Cookie: "What do you mean again?"

Timekeeper Cookie: "Last time when it was my turn to watch her, she got on top of the fridge and stayed there for three hours, so I called Sea Fairy, and she couldn't get her down, then after another hour, and then she threw up on me."

Fire Spirit Cookie: "Well, that's just great. Not only will she not get down, but she drew all over the wall too."

Timekeeper Cookie: "Wow, I know I'm crazy, but I'm not even that bad."

Wind Archer Cookie: "I just don't understand why she's acting like a child all of a sudden; it doesn't make sense."

Sherbet Cookie: "What doesn't make sense?" asked Sherbet Cookie as he approached the group with his friend.

Millennial Tree Cookie: "It's Sugary Yogurt Cookie; she's acting out again. I swear she never acted like this in her entire life; now she just keeps getting worse every day."

Sherbet Cookie: "Really, I thought that all of you would have been used to this by now."

Fire Spirit Cookie: "What do you mean? She has only been acting like this for the past few months."

Cotton Cookie: "I thought she was always like that. I walked in on her yelling at Sherbet Cookie and the other frost spirits and crying and everything."

Fire Spirit Cookie: "Well, what are we gonna do now?"

Sea Fairy Cookie: "Maybe Black Pearl has some ideas. Let's go to her house."

The group heads to the Mermaid’s house and knocks on the door.”

Cotton Cookie: "Black Pearl Cookie, get your ass out here; we need you.”

Black Pearl Cookie: "What do you guys want? I don't have time for this; my family is here."
Timekeeper Cookie: "Girl, you be lying; you don't got no family. Come and help us."

Moonlight Cookie: "Uh, uh, you stop."

Timekeeper Cookie: "What am I doing?"

Moonlight Cookie: "Stop saying that shit to people; it's rude."

Timekeeper Cookie: "I'm not being rude; you know she ain't got no family. ha ha ha ha ha."

Moonlight Cookie: "I will smack the shit outta you if YOU DON'T TAKE YOUR ASS BACK TO SUGAR'S HOUSE AND WATCH HER."

Timekeeper Cookie: "Okay."

Timekeeper Cookie walked back to Sugary Yogurt Cookie's house as the others watched.

Millennial Tree Cookie: "Damn, that was rude."

Moonlight Cookie: "I do not give a fuck."

Black Pearl Cookie: "If y'all are going to keep arguing, then you can leave."

Sea Fairy Cookie: "Okay, ok, just listen for a second. Sugary Yogurt Cookie is on the fridge and not listening to anyone, so we need you to come and help us."
Black Pearl Cookie: "This is the third time she's done this this week. Hold on."

Black Pearl goes back inside her house to grab something. Once she comes back, she has all her sisters and Frilled Jellyfish Cookie. One of them had a blanket in their arms, and Black Pearl had a chocolate bar in her hands. They started going to the house, and the rest of the group followed them. Once they got in the house, the sea creatures spread out the blanket on the floor, and Black Pearl started to approach Sugary Yogurt Cookie.

Sea Fairy Cookie: "Pearl, what are you doing?"

Black Pearl Cookie: "Just watch."

Black Pearl Cookie: "Sugary Yogurt Cookie, look what I have for you if you come down." She holds the candy up to the fridge.

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "Fine, I'll come down." She comes down from the fridge only to get takled to the ground by her sisters and Frilled Jellyfish Cookie.

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "Stop, let go of me."

Black Pearl Cookie: "I can't believe you fell for that."

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "That's not fair; you were supposed to give me the candy."

Black Pearl Cookie: "You know you're not supposed to be eating anything right now, and since you're acting like a baby, you might as well be treated like one."

Sugary Yogurt Cookie gets carried over to the blanket, and Black Pearl swaddles her.

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "This isn't fair; you can't do this to me; guys, tell them to stop."

Sea Fairy Cookie: "I'm sorry, Sugary Yogurt Cookie, but you brought this on yourself.”

Sugary Yogurt Cookie started to cry, upset that they would not help her out of the swaddle she was stuck in. Everyone became more tired the more she cried.

Sea Fairy Cookie: "Sugary Yogurt, please stop crying."

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "Not until you let me out."

Millennial Tree Cookie: "I don't understand why you're acting like this; you know what happens when you eat."

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "My eating is fine; there is nothing wrong with it."

Moonlight Cookie: "Every time you put food in your mouth, you eat yourself sick. You can't keep doing this to yourself."

Sugary Yogurt Cookie: "It's fine; now leave me alone." She turns away from the cookies.

Wind Archer Cookie: "Things can't keep going on like this; we need to find someone who can figure out what's going on with her."

Sea Fairy Cookie: "As much as I don't like to admit it, he's right. We need to find her a therapist or something. I thought we could deal with her on our own, but it's just becoming too much."

The other cookies agreed, not knowing what to do about her anymore. They're happy that she didn't end up in jail for what she did, but she's been wearing everyone down to the bone, and they can't take it anymore. They were all tired, frustrated, and drained from doing this, but most of all, they felt like they were kind of bad friends. If they had just noticed how badly she was hurting sooner, maybe things wouldn't have been this way.

Frost Queen's food problemUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum