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It was a beautiful day in the cookie kingdom, and the legendary cookies were doing as they always do, sitting in their favorite spot talking with each other, but they could tell something was wrong, and they felt this way for a while ever since Frost Queen started acting a lot more cold than she usually does, and the others couldn't figure out what was happening with her.

Sea Fairy pov

I was hanging out with Moonlight and Black Pearl like I always do, but I couldn't help but think about Frost Queen. She seemed like she was a lot more sad recently, and none of us understand why. She seems like she's having a really hard time right now, and it's starting to make me really worried. What if something happened to someone? What if she did something? As I start to get lost in my thoughts, I get interrupted by Moonlight Cookies' voice.

Moonlight Cookie: "Sea Fairy, are you okay? You look like you're thinking pretty hard about something."

Sea Fairy Cookie: "I'm okay just thinking about how Frost Queen is doing right now."

Moonlight cookie: "Oh, I understand you must feel really worried for her right now after all; you did know her for your entire life, and you already told us about how she gets sometimes but never like this."

Black Pearl Cookie: "I know, right; she's been acting so strange; she won't talk to anyone, not even us."

Sea Fairy Cookie: "I just don't understand what's going on with her. She's always liked to have her own space, but never like this. It's gotten so bad that even the other cookies have started taking notice too. Just yesterday, I saw Sherbet and Cotton just sitting all upset right after they tried to talk to her."

Moonlight Cookies: "Those poor things probably think that she doesn't even want to be around them anymore; they're probably so hurt right now."

Black Pearl Cookie: "Ugh, I don't understand why she just won't tell us what's wrong. She knows that people will listen to her, but she's just being difficult with everyone."

Sea Fairy Cookie: "Pearl, you know how quiet she is; she usually wouldn't open up in a regular situation, but it's got to be really bad this time considering how she's been acting."

Moonlight Cookie: "Maybe we could make a plan to find out what is wrong with Frost Queen Cookie."

Sea Fairy Cookie: "It sounds like a good plan, but how are we going to figure out what's wrong with Frost Queen if she won't talk to any of us?"

Black Pearl Cookie: "Maybe we can spy on her; she won't have to talk, and we'll get our answers, and we'll finally be able to confront her on what's going on."

Sea Fairy Cookie: "I guess that could work."

Me, Moonlight, and Black Pearl start planning how we are going to spy on Frost Queen Cookie. I really don't want to spy on her, but I don't think we have any other choice. I just hope that we don't see anything that we might regret.

Frost Queen's food problemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora