Chapter 14: Fight or Flight

Start from the beginning

"This is my first time flying," Abhi was saying to you, twisted around in his seat to look at you. 

"It's not that bad, the worst part is when your ears get blocked during takeoff and landing," you replied. "I have some chewing gum and mints to suck on if you want, they might help." You fished them out of your bag and dropped them into his outstretched hand. Since you had them out anyway, you distributed them amongst your party. 

Rakesh tried to talk to you, but the flight attendant had interrupted with their usual demonstration of safety procedures. You all buckled up and put your belongings away as the plane began to move. Abhi gripped his seat tightly. You reached through the seat and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, assuring him that it was fine. 

"I'm not scared, I'm excited!" He exclaimed. You laughed. 

"That's good, I hope it lives up to your expectations." 

"y/n." Rakesh directed your attention onto him. 

"Hmm?" He grabbed your hand, saying nothing else. You raised an eyebrow at him, but didn't let go, to his delight. 

The flight was going relatively smooth, with everyone either making casual conversation, reading, or listening to music, as you were. Suddenly, the plane jolted, and everyone braced themselves with the armrests. You all looked around in shock. 

"We have been hit with a bit of turbulence. Please remain calm. In the event of an emergency, we will reiterate the safety instructions. Please remain in your seats at this time." 

"Well, it looks like this is the end," you said jokingly. "Goodbye cruel world!" You called out to Paru. "Hey Paru, let my parents know that I love them, and that my brother can take all of my stuff." You dramatically wiped away fake tears. "This is it guys. I'll see you all in hell!"

The plane gave another jerk, and you immediately stopped laughing. Things were getting serious. Suresh was literally having a breakdown, and begged the flight attendant to move to economy, making you giggle. Paru was panicking, and Abhi took the opportunity to go sit next to her. 

Beside you, Rakesh was asking the flight attendant for more information. The poor girl was already flustered, so you told her to go on. The plane was pure pandemonium, to say the least. 

"What are you thinking?" Rakesh asked you, seeing as you were silent and not panicking. "Aren't you scared?"

"Honestly? No," you answered. "If this is truly the end, then that's it. There's nothing I can do."

"Don't you have any regrets, or things you wanted to do before dying?"

You let out a deep breath. "I have a lot of regrets. I wish I was nicer to my parents. I wish I spent more time with my brother. I wish I had the chance to become a doctor, and practice in a country where healthcare is free, and help as many people as possible. I wish I didn't waste so much of my life hating myself," you admitted. "In my high school and college days, I was super depressed. I spent every waking moment feeling so lonely. I feel better now, but I could've been so much happier. That's why I want to become a doctor, I want to help people who might feel as hopeless as I did." You blinked away the tears that had formed in your eyes. "What about you?"

Rakesh shifted in his seat. "I wanted to expand our business as much as possible, and finally meet my parents expectations. No matter how much I did, my father never said anything to me, no 'good job,' or 'I'm proud of you.' I wanted to earn as much money as possible, and then spend my time traveling around the world." He looked down at you, staring into your eyes. "I want to tell the woman I love that I love her." His eyes dropped down to your lips. 

As the plane lights flickered and people around you chanted in God's name, you both leaned forward. "y/n," Rakesh whispered, "I love you." Here, in this moment of uncertainty and chaos, you both took a chance, one that you weren't sure you would have again. With the slightest nod of your head, his lips met yours, in a soft, sweet kiss. You closed your eyes, savoring what was your first, and potentially last, kiss. He pulled away, but you pulled him back by his collar and kissed him again, more firmly this time. When you pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, breathing heavily. 

"I love you too," you replied. "If this is the last thing I tell you, I love you too." Rakesh kissed your forehead as the plane trembled, the two of you holding hands tightly. The yellow oxygen masks had come down at this point, and you muttered a final prayer, hoping for at least a peaceful afterlife, whether that meant going to heaven or hell or being reincarnated. The plane gave one last shudder, and you shut your eyes, preparing for the worst. The plane landed on the ground with a huge thud, and your eyes snapped open. As everyone realized that the danger had been avoided, they began cheering and clapping, thanking all the gods. Rakesh laughed, hugging you tightly and kissing your cheek. 

"Hey Rakesh! I saw that!" Ajay yelled, embarrassing you. Paru and Abhi were also in a close situation, being forced to separate as Suresh came back. Everyone grabbed their things and got off the flight, still jittery from the adrenaline rush. The plane had made an emergency landing, and it seemed like you guys were in the middle of nowhere. 

"Well Abhi," you said, "I'm sorry your first flight experience went like that." Abhi turned to you, excited. 

"Are you kidding me? This is the best day of my life!" You looked at Paru, who was clearly blushing. Fill me in later, you mouthed to her.

"Oy y/n, come here." Rakesh pulled you to be next to him and put his arm around your waist, calling a cab. Paru smiled teasingly at you, and you knew then that tonight a lot of tea was going to be spilled in your hotel room. 

Two cars quickly arrived for your group. "y/n, get in," Rakesh said as he opened the car door for you. You got in and closed the door, cheeks flushed. 

Before everyone else got in, Rakesh went up to a nearby flower stall and bought a singular rose. Everyone was surprised at the sudden purchase, staring at Rakesh for an explanation.

Rakesh smiled. "What? I have to make it known that she's mine somehow."

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