7| People

6 1 2

"Am i really this strong or is it just the books in my hands are less?"

I thought to myself while carrying 8 big fat journals to the library as it was an order from the deputy librarian.
I was slowly filling the book rack one by one by checking the list given by the librarian again and again.

"I don't think geometry books should be in the algebra section"

Huh? I looked to my right to find Harry giving the warmest smile ever.

"Been a while Jan "

It's very hard to control them.

"Where were u?" I asked him, trying hard not to break down into tears.

"Sorry that I couldn't text, my phone broke, was sick as hell and my ankle sprained along with my wrist bone during the last match".

"Sorry Jan, I really mean it"

I dropped the 3 books which I should be protecting with all my life and are valuable much more than my entire existence.

"I missed you" I said weeping on his shoulder making his shirt damp.

"I was so worried that even breathing was difficult and hard, I missed you so much, I missed you"   I kept on repeating the same word again and again until he hugged me back so tight that my cheeks were crushed on his shoulder just like my whole body against him.
I shouldn't have let him leave the town for that basketball match without sorting out our fight.
"I missed you more-"

*Cindy's pov*
Ms. Ishita? Excuse me.
Ms. Ishita.

Huh? What?

Hello, this is Cindy, you seem to be lost, are you alright?

"Nah I'm good, how long has it been since you came?"

"Been a while, but didn't want to disturb the smile on your face when you were looking at my book shelves. No wonder you love books a lot, it serves well enough for a renowned writer as you are." - I said eyeing her while serving the coffee for both of us

She wasn't concentrating on what I was trying to say. Her eyes were wandering all around the room but they paused at the book rack again and again like it was a loop.
Like she's stuck in it.

"I wouldn't mind you borrowing a book, maybe we could talk about the book you'd like to read right now" - I tired to take the initiative, I think it worked. Hopefully.

"I'd like to borrow the 3rd book from the top left corner in the 2nd rack" - she said looking at me, damn she didn't even look back for confirmation.

"Yes you can" - I said pausing what I was doing and moving towards the book rack but she stopped me and went to get it herself.

She slowly pulled out a book from the rack, but stopped in between and paused midway.
I waited
60 seconds
90 seconds
120 seconds
150 seconds
170 seconds
That's it
Ms. Ishita? Are you here?
Ms. Ishita?

*Ishita's POV*

Comparatively reading some random book is much better than listening to this woman. But this book-

This!? I murmured on his shoulder trying to get away from this.

Yes .
This book is going to be your next read Jo.

Why does he look so proud? Duh
Please Harry, not now - I whined pushing the book away from his arm.
Never works.
Won't you do this for me Jan?
Doe eyes.
Emotional blackmail.
Not this time.


Strict No

Wait, for real? No to me!?
Fine - he sighed heavily

I won, holy moly

He kept the book back in the rack and All. I. Did. Was. Blink, I opened my eyes to the view of his eyes closed and his lips on mine.

You're reading this for me right?
He murmured on my lips

Yeah , the only thing I was able to spurt after a short and sweet kiss.
What's the book name though?
I asked him after I came to reality when he snapped his fingers in front of my face.

That proud smirk on his face is just - sigh 


May I ask why this book specifically?-Cindy's curious eyes weren't failed to be noticed by me...

The first part of  this book was gifted to me on my birthday... The same day the book got published, and the day I lost my first kiss......

Is it alright if I ask for a continuation?- She asked hesitantly, it was her voice which hesitated, not her body... She sat straight so composed...

This part,- I said  running my fingers through the book in my lap, "It starts with us"....

 -it was given to me on the day I lost my life...

And everything....

And it was when, my first published book got recognised, and I had to move to Canada two years ago and start a new life without getting over  my loss.

And now, I don't really know why I was called, I'd appreciate an answer and the name of the person who booked a slot here with my name.

"Criza Brown, familiar?"- she asked

"My friend of 10 years and my sponsor, wait. She did?" 

"Yes, you're right, Ms. Ishita."

"Alright, for how long do I have to show up?"

"It's a three-month trial"- she said making me scoff

"Don't confirm it... I'll reach out to you after having a talk with her... Keep my appointments on pending... I'd appreciate your work for that. Thank you."

"Alright Ms. Ishita, but before that, please don't think of it as a therapy, you can come and talk like we're friends... We can actually be, I'd love to."- she says

"No, Thanks for the offer, but I don't like making friends, and I have nothing to talk about."- I said keeping my tone calm with was getting hard.

"Nothing? Not even your past or loss?"- she asked again

"You talk to me just because you're paid for it. I don't really need a therapist for my problems, my money can solve it all, I don't need a person. And I'm not interested in talking about my past."

Right after I stormed out of her room closing the door with a bang, there was this heavy feeling in my heart, Was I rude? Did I hurt her?

I walked out of the building feeling heavy with the book. 

It came with me. It's not leaving me. It's here again.. I hate this. I hate people...

All they can do is cause pain..


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