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Sometimes days pass, but we don't have a clue about it... Maybe it's because we got a good company...

*At home*

Right after I kicked my shoes off and threw my bag in some direction and threw myself on my bed after a hot shower i switched on my tab to get a number of texts from.... Harry? Ok let me look again... I rubbed my eyes again and refreshed tablet and yes it's Harry! 

hey! Morning... I won't
be coming to college today...
Just letting you know.... Caught
a little fever but I'm kinda good
now.. but I don't think I can make
it to college... Just let me know what's
going on.... Take care and good day!

Oh he sent a text while I was in school... Maybe he didn't come... 

Nice timing, I'm in a good mood...

Me: hello

H: Hey

Me: how're you doing?

H: I'm completely alright...

Me: cool

H: yeah

Me: will pics do?

H: sure I'll note down everything...

Me: cool

H: thanks... and..

Me: yeah?

H: what're you doing?

Me: nothing much just bored...

H: oh umm cool then...

Me: yeah I'll text u later?

H: sure then

Me: cool bye..


He was typing something... Not interested for now though.....

*Few hours later*

Is it ok to text? Like ok? Sigh why is it hard to text guys.....
Sigh... I guess I'll text him.. or maybe wait until he tex-

H: hey Jan?

Damnnnn, smash next...

Me: Jan?

oh you're here... Damn I
was thinking whether to
text or not...

Me: oh come on you can..

H:😅 is it ok to call you Jan?

Me: umm sure ig

H: nice... What're doing?

nothing much actually....
Are u done with your stuff?

H: yep

Me: good...

H: so?

Me: so?

ok so, what did an ocean
say to the other ocean?

Me: they just waved?

H: 😑, that's mean

Me: 😂 why?

H: that's supposed to be drag on joke..

Me: 😂😂

H: but glad that made you laugh

Me: 😶😅😂

H: 😂😂

Me: what else?

are u into music?
Do u like BTS?

Me: of course I do love
their music!..

H: that's nice Jan... So what more?


l0ve Me or LOVE MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon