The start of an adventure

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Moon's pov
I snuggled my pillow a bit until I woke up looking at the lightly dark blue sky meaning it is the early morning. I got up from my bed and looked around seeing everyone gone and everything has been cleaned up.

I opened a window and poked my head out looking at the early morning sky. I sighed to myself thought came to a memory of what a voice said to me....I opened my eyes looking determined, grabbed the biggest bag I have in the house and grabbed a couple of things useful and some fruits that I had stashed in my hidden place. I filled my bag until I couldn't no more. I ran to to the door, I was about to open the door but stopped myself from turning the knob. I looked at the table that had a picture of me and mom "I am going to find out how far the world can go mom...I love you" I kissed the picture and ran out the door.

I started to run nonstop and passed by one of the villagers "Moon? Where are you going at this time of the morning??" "I'm off to an adventure!! Woohoo!" I yelled and continued to run.

River's pov
I woke up way earlier before Moon did and came downstairs expecting to see monsters still here but lord and behold they're gone.

I went outside not waking Moon up. I walked to my house to warn the others about what had happened before the monsters could go far. I looked back at Moon's house and sighed continuing my walk. I was about to open the door until I heard some yelling "woohoo!" I turned and saw Moon going towards the forest "Moon!!" I yelled but I was too far to be heard. Did the monsters controlled her like sirens does to ships?! Or controlled her like a witch controlling the young to eat her up?! I thought to myself. I looked back at the door having the hardest decision. I grabbed the weapons that was out side of the front and back yard and quickly gathered some equipments into a bag hopefully being quick enough to catch up with Moon before something bad happens to her, no one would believe him if he had told them about what the monsters looked like and what they were doing in Moon's home.

The forest
The monsters rides their horses through the forest while Gandalf and Toffee are at the very front.

"Well Gandalf, what now? The human you chose to be recruited has not excepted to join" Toffee said but Gandalf chuckled not answering his question. Toffee looked at Gandalf waiting for his answer until they heard someone yelling "wait! wait! wai- woah!" they slipped, sliding down a slippery hill and fell to the floor in front of Toffee and Gandalf. It was Moon that came "ow ugh" she got up and cleaned off the leaves "I wish to join if the offer is still available" Moon said and fixed her hair a bit. Toffee blinked as part of him wasn't expecting Moon to actually come but a part of him did. Gandalf chuckled and his horse came forward "Welcome Moon" he said and a horse that doesn't have a rider came forward "you may climb on" Gandalf said and Moon got onto the horse "on ward!" Moon yelled and pointed making the horse whine, got on it's hind legs and started to run being a bit farther from Toffee and Gandalf.

Gandalf enjoyed the scene "as I have said she is rather free spirited" Gandalf said "not wrong" Toffee said.

Moon's pov
I got my horse to run for fun and being so excited for the start of my journey. I was feeling the air until I noticed a small blonde looking so familiar....wait "RIVER?!" I stopped my horse in time "Moon! please tell me that it is not a Kelpy you are riding on!" River said being so worried "River what are you doing here?" I said "I should be asking you! Either you go back home or I will be coming with you!" River said arguing and being out of breath "what is the meaning of this?" Toffee said catching up "ah morning River" Gandalf said as he too catches up with us "I want to come with Moon" River said "very well" Gandalf said and we past by him "hey wait don't I get a horse?" River said until Rougher and Roguer grabbed him by the shoulders and got him behind me

River's pov
I blushed so much when I had to ride behind Moon "uuuhhh" "sorry, we did went to the pony stalls but they didn't had the baby ones" Roguer said and the two werewolves laughed and so did the others. I blushed so much being so embarrassed.

Moon's pov
Rougher and Roguer kept on laughing while passing by us until Toffee hits the back of Roguer's head hard "OW!" "thats enough" he said and continued to lead. I looked at River behind me and smiled "hey it's ok. I won't let them mess with you" I said and he smiled back. I looked at the end of the forest, as we got out I saw a humongous field. I was in awe of it and ever so excited of my very first adventure that I have ever so dreamed of.

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