An unexpected visitor

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Moon's pov
I finished with my work with helping one of the villagers with their stuff and they payed me with a few gold coins.

I continued to walk home, while I was walking home I saw some kid running around and some hugging their mothers lovingly. I smiled and breathed a bit by the sight.

I made it home and fixed myself up, I cleaned around the house until I heard a knock "hm?" I heard the knock again but this time it sounded more heavier. I looked at the door and put the broom near a wall and walked towards the door as it keeps on knocking. I made it to the door, I slightly turned the knob and opened it revealing....River.

"hi Moon! I was wondering if you need any help" River came in, I smiled and closed the door "well I was cleaning around but you can help me with it" I said and we continued to clean.

It became night time and we started to be done "so um Moon if you are wanting to uh get a boyfriend...wh-what would be-" I wasn't paying much attention to River until a heard him bumping into one of the book shelves "look out!" I yelled, River looked behind him a saw the book shelf falling towards him. I pulled him out in time and it hits the floor and dust appears around us. We coughed a bit until the dust cleared out "River!" I yelled angrily at River "I am SO SORRY Moon! I didn't mean to!" River said apologetically "sighs* you're helping me clean this" I said and we continued to clean again.

We got the bookshelf back up and picked up every books that has fallen out of it. I calmed myself down after we were done until I saw one last book on the floor. I picked it up, opened a few pages until I started to recognize it "can't believe I forgot about this one" I whispered and River noticed "what is it Moon?" I looked at him but didn't answer him as I sat down on the sofa and started reading the book to the beginning.

"Long ago in a glorious land far to the east that we would not find in the world of today or the world of tomorrow."

The imagination grew stronger within the book.

A gigantic eagle flies to a neighboring city and flies around.

"A city of Avergale. It's markets known far and wide and the unity within. Dwarfs, Elves, humans, monsters all living in peace and prosperity."

Human child and a elf child runs around and circles around a red bearded dwarf and he gives a hearty laugh when they run away. Monsters, Elves and humans dancing together within the rhythm of a song.

The gigantic eagle flies towards a castle.

"With this city lay before the doors of the greatest kingdom in the city...Septore. Strong hold to the most extraordinary monsters....Septorians"

(since it is called Septore now I call them Septorians)

The septorian soldiers lines up with their weapons making way for their King.

"King of Septore and titled 'King of Monsters'"

The king looks at the far view of Avergale with pride.

"He ruled with pride, never doubting his kingdom for his line lays secure for his four sons, including the youngest, being the fifth."

The youngest looks out at the view as well next to his father with excitement. The king ruffles his son's head messing up the hair a bit. The prince was playfully annoyed so he playfully punched his father's arm earning a quiet chuckle from the soldiers.

"The youngest one was a mere teenager compared to his brothers. He was smaller than his father and brothers and didn't depended on strength but the strength within his knowledge."

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