(Taehyung see that and went out. You see him going out)

Yn : ( slowly) What happen? May be he must be tired standing here.

(You were doing your work when you feel pair of hand pulled your hair back and you looks Little back)

Taehyung: Hey.. stand straight.

Yn: What are you doing?

Taehyung: (normally) Making dosa with your hair.

Yn: (confusedly) What?

Taehyung: Are you stupid Dosa? Your hair was disturbing you that's why I'm tying it.

Yn: Ohh..

Lisa: Yn?

(suddenly lisa enters there)

Lisa: Y. (jaw dropped ).. n. ( You both looks at her while your hair are still in Taehyung's hand) Is i come on wrong time?

Yn: What?

(You looks at Taehyung and realised what is she thinking)

Yn: No.. no.. unnie.. he is just helping me.. (Taehyung done tying your hair and gose towards the dining table)

Taehyung in mind: kabaab mein haddee ( One who interrupts)

Taehyung: (to lisa) Why are you here?

Lisa: Yah.. (looks at you) Yn. I really love your designs..(coming towards you) those are so beautiful and unique. I really want you to design my party outfit.. (smile)

Yn: Thanks. And of course I'll design your outfit.. Just tell me what kind of dress do you want in party.

Lisa: Ok! (wide smile )( looks at Taehyung) Why is he here?

Taehyung: I'm here to eat dosa by dosa.

Lisa: (confusedly) Dosa? By dosa?

Yn: Ah.. he's talking about this dish.

Yn: This is an indian dish. I was making it and i saw him going outside so i just called him to try it out..

Taehyung: No! I have eaten it at you..

Yn: (cut him) Unnie! Why don't you also try it out? it's about to done

Lisa: Ya. sure. (looking at pan ) It's seems so tasty..

Taehyung: And it's more tasty than you think.

Lisa: Wo. Now I'm so excited to eat it. Hey we both are here then let's call Bogum oppa too. why he only left..

Yn: (excitedly) Ya. Taehyungshi. can please go and call him!

(He makes wired face)

Taehyung: (Irritatedly) Ok! ( stands up lazily in mind) This lizard ruined everything.

Time skip...

In Taehyung's Room...

(Taehyung collapse on his bed and sigh in happyness)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(Taehyung collapse on his bed and sigh in happyness)

Taehyung: Finally i met my love..Thank you God! Thank you. You are really with me. (smiling )

(He was praying to god when his phone rang)

Taehyung: (proudly) Hello My changu-mangu!

Jungkook: Woh.. woh.. New names!

Jimin: after so long you are sounding so happy! (smiling )

Taehyung: yes.. I'm so So SOO MUCH Happy!

Jungkook: You are happy like you met your love Today.

Taehyung: Yes. i met my love. (loudly)
finally met my love today! (They both became shock with happiness)

Jungkook: What? You met Yn ? Jimin There? In paris ?

Taehyung: yes. She is here..

Jimin : Why didn't you tell us earlier?

Taehyung: (shyly ) I was with her whole day.

Jungkook: (immediately) Did you proposed her ?

Taehyung: No, no. not yet. not yet! i wanna make her feel my love more.

Jungkook: Ok!

Jimin: But soon.. okay?

Taehyung: Ok. (smile)

Jungkook: Enjoy your day with your love. good by.

Taehyung: By. ( cut the call)

(Taehyung's face is shining like moon)

Taehyung: You will feel my love, as I felt yours that Night! (peaceful smile)


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