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The bath really felt good. Ravio was right; I really needed that. I didn't realize how much sweat my body expelled until I drowned myself in the grand bathroom. Almost immediately, I felt renewed and much cleaner.

The bathroom was made with tiles of ceramic that carried the color of light cream. It made the light of the lit candles on the walls and the sunlight from the small windows easier to illuminate the entire area. Additionally, it gave this place an enchanting glow. In the middle was the circled shaped bath that was dug into the floor, filled with clean, warm water. By the sides of the walls were benches and hooks to put away armors and equipments. At the end of the room was a long furniture that carried many towels for our usage. It was great to have this wide, beautiful space to myself. I'd usually bath at the Castle's private quarters or back home, but it didn't seem too bad to use this one for a change.

I wrapped my body with a towel and sat on one of the benches. I recalled the confession that Ravio made to me. My heart belonged to Link, and his is mine. But... I felt bad that his feelings for me were unrequited. There was nothing I could do to make the outcome different. He was a great man, one that was desired many women throughout the kingdom. I would pray that the right one would come into his life to bless him with the happiness he truly deserved.

The door suddenly opened, giving entrance to two knights. I thought for certain that it might have been two fellow female knights. But I was quickly corrected as I got up, guarded. Two men in the end of their twenties of age were present where they shouldn't be. One had a beard of copper, the other pitch black, but both had rugged and messy hair as they took off their helmets. They wore hyrulean armor that were damaged at some parts. From their broken appearances, they definitely stole those from the warehouse of used armors. These knights weren't from the courtyard.

I became more cautious. "This is the Women's Bathroom."

"We know, Lady Zelda." One said, locking the door. "Oh, we know!"

"The Lords Of House Ravoth send their regards." Said the other. Both took out the stolen armors from their upper bodies to reveal their tunics bearing the Ravoth's lordship crest: a black cat holding a dagger in its mouth.

My armor and sword were next to the door, but there was no way I'd make past them with a frontal assault. Damn this family! They seriously didn't learn their lesson from the incident at the ball!

"After we're done with you," said one of the knights, grabbing his crotch, "Not even the prince will want you as a cum bucket."

"But we won't mind," cackled the other. "Once you've gotten used to the taste of our cocks."

The door behind them swung open inward, breaking its lock at the same time. All three of us in the bathroom were stunned by Ravio's heroic entrance. He immediately punched the black-bearded one unconscious by his jaw, grabbed him by the collar, and threw him outside in the hall. The other quickly surrendered seeing the sight of the Master Sword's wielder and his maddening fury.

"I surrender—" he yelled but was welcomed by a gut punch by Ravio's sword's hilt.

The man folded, almost hurling his insides out, but Ravio grabbed him back up. "WHO SENT YOU?"

"Lord & Lady Ravoth!!" He quickly squealed.

"WHY?" Ravio continued shouting.

"T-They..." he hesitated, but Ravio tightened his hold by his collar. "They sent us to sully and tarnish Lady Zelda! T-They thought this would give way for their daughter to be a more suitable replacement for the prince's princess-to-be!"

Ravio violently head-butted him. As he lost consciousness as well, he was thrown outside the bathroom, lying next to his partner in crime.

He hasted to my side, alarmed and almost slipping on the wet floor, and hugged me. "Thank the Goddesses I made it in time! Are you okay?"

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