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I was but a short distance from the house. I already dreaded my presence here. But... it had to be done, alas...

Many reasons made me hate the sight of this place; most of them were related to Zelda and the poor treatment she had to endure since birth. As I got closer to the door, a bed's beating creaking sound along with howling voices of ecstasy were heard. Her voice and the one of another man shouted in ringing enjoyment. Her daughter was gone. She could have been dead or sold into slavery, yet stuffing cocks in her would still be her main priority. Why was I not surprised of such behavior, I wonder...

I stood in front of the door. Their depraved shouts were as vivid as the ground under my feet was solid. I tried knocking a few times; no one answered. Of course, no one would. Why would they stop themselves from this moment of bought bliss? My frustration built, but I remained calm. I had to remember the reason of me being here; a little girl's wellbeing and future depended on it. Nevertheless, it didn't stop me from feeling like an idiot. Waiting the whore's new frolic act to end; I felt like this moment was the product of a divine prank.

20 more minutes or so have passed, their joyous scream finally subsided, leaving place to battered breaths. They had finished. I knocked the door again, sighing loudly. "I'll be right there!" she shouted with delight.

By the Goddesses, about time!, I thought, frustrated with impatience.

The door opened. The first person that I saw happened to be a knight who was fitting his helmet back on his head. Upon turning toward the exit, both of their jaws dropped, and their skins became instantly pale as snow upon noticing my presence. If the lower parts of their mouths could detach itself, I would have been welcomed by a little ballad of bones hitting the ground.

"L-Lady U-Urbos-sa...!!!" The young knight straight stuttered while straightening himself as a well-cut piece of wood plank.

"Oh, g-good day, my Lady!" she followed.

"It's good to know that your hard-earned salary is well-invested." He remained speechless and full of shame. "Dismissed, soldier. I must speak with her."

"Y-Yes, my Lady!" He hasted himself out of sight, while leaving a clanging melody of his armor.

"Would you like come in, my lady?" Her voice sounded almost pleading and seductive, as if trying to snare me as a new customer. "My home is yours for your comfort and pleasure."

"No, thank you." I flatly replied to her attempt of seduction. Is there anything that she won't fuck? "I'm here for your daughter."

"Oh..." she immediately sounded uninterested. "Well, she's not here anymore! And good riddance!"

"I beg you pardon?"

"The other day," frustration boiling in her voice, "All I did was suggesting her to participating in the house income by working a little bit. Her answer? She pointed a hot iron to my face! Me, her own mother! Threatening my life! The ingrate!"

"Did she now?" I smirked, not even trying to hide my pleasure of hearing the story. My little bird did that?

"Hmph! Of course, you find this amusing!"

"Considering you tried to have her become like you, riding cocks right and left from all corners of the kingdom, why wouldn't I find this amusing?" Her lips seemed to want to let out some nastiness, but she held her tongue. "But in her shoes, I would have pierced you through your skull clean."

I could see anger ready to explode like Death Mountain, but she didn't dare. She had no arguments. Her face swiftly turned sideways in submission.

"What is it that you want?" She mumbled angrily like a problematic toddler.

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